Current Event: Conformity vs. Individuality

23 Sep

Current Event Directions: Read the following directions below for your section. We are doing this in segments, but ALL classes will have to do this at some point during the term. Pay attention to the due dates.

All posts are due by the start of school!

Put your name and section on your post!!!

Find a Current Event: Sections A and C ONLY

Due: MONDAY 10/3

Directions (Sections A and C):

  • Research the following websites for local, national and international news. You need to find an article that discusses the connection between conformity and individuality.
  • This article should be within the past month or so.
  • In the comments section of this assignment: Cut/paste the link as part of the post. DO NOT PUT IT IN THE SPACE THAT SAYS WEBSITE. If you do, your comment will go to spam and you will NOT get credit.
  • Cite a least ONE line
  • Do NOT repeat articles!! 
  • Remember, current events and celebrity news do not count! You need credible news sources (see below)! 
  • Your responses should be insightful and each bullet point below with at least 5 sentences!!!! Analyze the connection!
  • Then, along with the link, answer the following questions
    • What is this about? Where does it take place?
    • How does this explaining the connection between Conformity/individuality?
    • What is your opinion about this article?

Respond to the current event: SECTIONS D and E ONLY!

DUE: Tuesday 10/4

Directions (Section D and E):

  • Choose any article posted by your classmates
  • Read the article, quote specific form from the article AND your peers
  • You need ONE from each (So TWO specific references in your response)
  • No more than TWO people per post
  • You must read the article!
  • Your responses should be at least 200 words. Be sure to WORD SLAP!
  • Read it and respond to it as a “reply”.
    • Do you agree/disagree and why?
    • Use debate language: “You said…., but I disagree because…” or “Good point about…and I agree because…”
    • Think about your own views about faith and fear and how it connects to the post.
    • Totally ok if you fight and argue. I think a discussion back and forth is amazing!!!
    • WORD SLAP!!

Respond to the current event: SECTIONS F ONLY

DUE: Thursday 10/6

Directions (Section F):

  • Choose any COMMENT posted by your classmates in sections D or E
  • Read the article, quote specific form from the article AND your peer
  • You need ONE from each (So TWO specific references in your response)
  • No more than TWO people per post
  • You must read the article!
  • Your responses should be at least 200 words. Be sure to WORD SLAP!
  • Read it and respond to it as a “reply”.
    • Do you agree/disagree and why?
    • Use debate language: “You said…., but I disagree because…” or “Good point about…and I agree because…”
    • Think about your own views about faith and fear and how it connects to the post.
    • Totally ok if you fight and argue. I think a discussion back and forth is amazing!!!
    • WORD SLAP!
If you have questions or comments, let me know!!

125 Responses to “Current Event: Conformity vs. Individuality”

  1. Brittany Binger Section:C September 25, 2011 at 1:44 pm #

    ‘No matter what kind of peer pressure your children face, they must learn how to balance the value of going along with the crowd against the importance of making their own decisions.’


    1.This article takes place in the lives of teens in highschool.The article is about how teens are pressured by their friends to do drugs,drink,etc. becuase “everyone is doing it.”

    2.This article explains the connection between individuality and conformity by creating a balance between the two and saying that you have to have a little bit of conformity to be an individual and be accepted by other people to be a successful individual.This is because if you have more of another you can either be too influenced by other people to make your decisions or become an outcast and have no acceptance.Either of which people stay away from.

    3.When I first read this article I agreed that many people conform to things to be accepted and have friends,especially in teenagers cases ,but i felt that this has decreased in the behavior of teens over the years and they are less influenced by what “everyone was doing” and more influenced in others achievements and success.

    • Sabrina Chung Section D September 28, 2011 at 6:54 pm #

      I agree with your response to the article for the most part Brittany. What I disagree on is the last paragraph when you stated, “but i felt that this has decreased in the behavior of teens over the years and they are less influenced by what “everyone was doing” and more influenced in others achievements and success.”. I think that now in 2011, teens are even more influenced by their surroundings, friends, media. There’s even more events that takes place in our lives and even more media and websites to socialize with. Also, most of this peer pressure is negative, not positive like it used to be. Teens these days are influenced into having sex, doing drugs, smoking, drinking, etg.

      We all wish that there can be more neutral peer pressure, rather than negative. Also, i think that teens are turning to negative peer pressure due to positive peer pressure, because maybe there’s this really smart and popular girl who get straight As and another girl wishes she can be as smart as her. But when she tries but doesn’t suceed, she turns to negative peer pressure and starts doing bad things.

      I also agree with the article, “Sex and Peer Pressure” when it states: “It’s not surprising that peer pressure has such an impact on your teenager’s clothes, language, attitudes, and behavior.”, because yes, we all are influenced and impacted by what everyone’s wearing, how they talk like and act like. For instance, most teenage girls in our school are wearing Uggs. Am i not correct? And when a girl who doesn’t have any asks her parents for Uggs and the parents say no, they turn to negative peer pressure.

      I think that for the sake of all our futures, we should all just stick to neutral peer pressure, because it doesn’t really affect us as much as positive and negative does.

      • Brittney Sinclair Sec. D September 30, 2011 at 6:24 pm #

        I agree with your first paragraph because if you see a lot of people doing something wrong, it’s your choice to choose whether to do the right or wrong thing. You are your own individual not the same as everyone. You are supposed to do what is right to your, and what benefits your life in a good way. For example if you see one of your friends taking drugs and they tell you to try it. You choose if you want to take it and shorten your life span (due to the effects) or don’t take it and live longer.

        If you are pressured by anyone even your closest friends try not to get involved with them because your bringing yourself, peers and parents down. Do it FOR you and not anyone else. If the peer pressure is always negative try to change it into a positive influence. For example if you are peer pressured into drinking and you do it, you can see someone that can help you quit or cut down on the drinking. So as a conclusion I agree with teens conform to peer pressure AND can still be individual. They conform to things people want them to do or be, but they still use their individuality in some things because people don’t give into peer pressure for ever.

      • Destiny Gilchrist October 3, 2011 at 7:06 pm #

        Destiny Gilchrist
        Section: F

        Sabrina I agree with you when you about the first paragraph, and when you stated from the article, “It’s not surprising that peer pressure has such an impact on your teenager’s clothes, language, attitudes, and behavior.” I also see this in school with practically everyone wearing Uggs.

        But also, I disagree with you about your opinion on the last paragraph. In the article I found that the author wrote,”Peer pressure usually depends on the kind of peer group your child hangs out with.”

        Even if teens today are influenced by their surroundings, friends, and media I think that it is up to their own freewill what choices and decisions they make. If you hang with people you know you normally wouldn’t hang out with, but do it because of conformity it is still a decision that you made. Like your example, if a girl were to get straight A’s and the other girl who wishes to be smart like her but fails in the attempt. Again it’s freewill. It’s on that girl if she wants to degrade herself, or hold her head up high and try again is what will lead to her actions in the future. Like Brittney said, “ This article explains the connection between individuality.” I agree with that because in the end it all depends on your personality and how much of an individual you are what peer pressure you let take over you.

      • James Gabriel Sec: F October 5, 2011 at 4:07 pm #

        I agree with Sabrina. I mostly agree when you say, “There’s even more events that take place in our lives and even more media and websites to socialize with. Also, most of this peer pressure is negative, not positive like it used to be. Teens these days are influenced into having sex, doing drugs, smoking, drinking, etc.” Ever since i came to Boston Latin Academy i witnessed peer pressure in negative ways, but mostly people are pressured into doing drugs.
        I agree with Brittney. You shouldn’t get involved with anyone’s business unless it has something to do with you, and you should not do stuff cause someone tells you to do it. You shouldn’t wear certain things because someone else told you to wear it you should be wearing it because YOU want to wear. Every time i go on Facebook i always see a status about someone being “Baked, or waved ~_~.” They are definitely not staying above the influence and they were definitely peer pressured into doing drugs. I agree with Brittney. Teens are conformed to things people want them to do or be, but i think they are individuals because they can choose whether to be victim to peer pressure or overcome it.

    • Matteo Grando October 3, 2011 at 8:23 pm #

      Matteo Grando, Sec. D
      “…most teenagers seem to have a sense of when things have gone too far and when they should make their own decision rather than just going along with the crowd.” In this quote, it is saying how teenagers use free will and their individuality to stay out of trouble after it gets out of hand. I agree with this statement because there are some considerate teens that actually want to succeed in life, by staying out of peer pressure. I believe I can connect to this in many ways. One way is that I also have a sense of when something bad is about to happen or is going to happen so I stay out of it. Another way that I connect to this is that when it comes to follow a crowd into peer pressure, I try to stay out of it.
      “The article is about how teens are pressured by their friends to do drugs,drink,etc. because ‘everyone is doing it.'” I agree with this article when it says that it talks about teens are pressured into all sorts of things. What I don’t agree with, or I think you should have added was that it also talks about how some teens are above the pressure/influence and know when to stop what they are doing before they get in trouble. I think you should have also added that the article adds the different types of peer pressuring out there in life. But what I think the biggest thing you didn’t add or forget to add was how the article tells how peer pressure is so powerful over the average or “normal” teen. In conclusion, I have learned that peer pressuring is a big part of a teenagers life. I also learned that there are some teens that actually act as individuals and don’t get sucked in by pressure and then there are some conformists that just follow what “everyone was doing.”

      • Jackie Foley October 4, 2011 at 7:02 pm #

        Jackie Foley
        Section: F
        I have to disagree with you Matteo when you say, “you should have added was that it also talks about how some teens are above the pressure/influence”. Lets be honest teens are faced with peer pressure everyday in positive or negative ways; we either react to it sensibly, or stupidly.
        If someone pressures you to cheat, and you refuse, you are reacting to it positively.That is an example of “staying above the influence.” Another example of peer pressure is when someone encourages you to do your homework and you actually do that homework; that is an example of positive peer pressure an not “staying above the influence”. Either way, you are faced with peer pressure.
        The article was not about how teenagers manage to stay above the influence, it was about how teenager respond to it. I believe the author, Neil Bernstein only wrote about teenagers reactions for a reason. That reason was he didn’t want parents or guardians to be ashamed or confused if their child was going with “what everyone else was doing.”

      • Jenny Dang October 5, 2011 at 6:44 pm #

        Jenny Nguyen
        Section F

        I agree with you Matteo, that some teenagers are bright enough to realize that they shouldn’t be peer pressured into some things like doing drugs, drinking, etc. These teens actually want and strive for the better of THEIR future, while other kids are sucked into the peer pressure of others because they’re afraid of not being able to be accepted by the “crowd”. Some kids really need to realize that there is more than just fitting in with the “crowd”. It may seem important to be considered “cool”, and some kids just think that in order to be “cool”, they need to do these things, but in the end, whose life is it? and whose body are these things ruining? Your own. Kids need to be more individual when it truly matters to important subjects like this, because these things aren’t “cool”. I mean, when you’re older you’ll look back and say “why did I do that to myself?”, and to some others, you’ll just make yourself look stupid because doing all these things AREN’T cool.

        I also agree with Jackie F. and disagree with you on this subject because some kids feel the need to fit in rather than just concentrating on their education alone and what will be better for them. I mean, yeah, it is important to have friends but education does come first. Teens these days just feel the need to conform to what is “cool” and what is “hip”. They classify these things as: partying, drinking, smoking tobacco or “MaryJane”, and having sex, most of which they do at a very young age and they don’t consider what they’ll be doing to themselves, but only considering if they’ll be “cool” after they do it. Some kids just care way too much about what their “friends” will think and they just do what their peers do. Kids need to wake up to the reality that, doing drugs and drinking at this age, ISN’T COOL.

  2. Kyra Section C September 26, 2011 at 4:08 am #

    What is this about? Where does it take place?
    This article is about the Saudi Arabian king allowing women in Saudi Arabia to vote

    How does this explaining the connection between Conformity/individuality?
    most middle-eastern places are very conservative & the rights of women are almost non-existent. For a middle-eastern king to come to the conclusion that women should be able to vote is a very individual thing because he’s not conforming to what the Muslim culture believes in.

    What is your opinion about this article?
    i think that this is a very good,well written & informative article.

    • Kim Pham Sec.A September 30, 2011 at 6:35 pm #–hate-crime/index.html?npt=NP1

      “Dedmon showed no emotion, expressed no remorse, and made no further statements at the hearing before Hinds County Circuit Judge Jeff Weill Friday morning.”

      1.What is it about? Where does it take place?

      This article is about a teenager named Deryl Paul Dedmon who killed a black man named James Craig Anderson, with the help of a few other teen boys. This took place in Mississippi. Dedmon showed no emotional reaction to the killing whatsoever. This killing was caught on tape from a security camera in a parking lot. This group of teenage boys beat Anderson very badly, yelling racial epithets. After the beating, Dedmon ran over Anderson with a car, laughing about the killing.

      2.How does this explain the connection between conformity/individuality?

      This explains the connection between conformity and individuality because it shows how the conformists(society) and individuals(Dedmon) react towards eachother. Dedmon killed a black man clearly because he was black. This shows he is an individual because no normal person would kill a human being for no reason. Anderson was an innocent man who had no hate for Dedman, or even knew who he was. Society would be the conformists because the majority of the people act “normal” and “follow the rules” because that is what it expected of you. This explains the connection between conformity and individuality because Dedmon being the individual caused the society, being the conformists shock and awe. This is very rare because America has been past through slavery, which lead to the civil war, which lead to racism, which lead to civil rights. Killing of a black man because of his race had already past in history. Now we treat everyone equally and with justice no matter what race you are. It is shocking to see this happen again. This connection means that individuality has an affect on what the conformists wants to do with the individual(in this case, putting him in jail and deciding on a death penalty), since majority rules over that individual.Depending on what the individual does, conformity will respond.

      3.What is your opinion about this article?

      This article, also left me in shock and awe. I find it very disturbing how a group of teenagers killed a man they never met in their entire life, just because of his skin color. It is also shocking this was caught on tape and Dedman laughed about killing Anderson. I found this very inhumane and insane. This reminds me that not everyone in the world has a pure heart. There is cruelty out there, and injustice. I hope the world gets a hold of itself and let us live in peace for once with society getting along with eachother.

      • Cindy Bui, Section D October 2, 2011 at 11:53 am #

        I agree with your thoughts on this event, I feel that it was an extremely disturbing and horrible event as well. You are also right when you pointed out that a majority of the people in society are normal and that they conform to the rules around here.

        But to me, this whole event is “normal” as well. I’m not saying that killing a black man is normal, it doesn’t happen every day. But the idea of racism is normal, it’s always around. Even though the civil rights movement and the end of slavery occurred, there has been many signs of racism still around. Everywhere people of all ages go around, making jokes about one race or the other, or classifying people and judging them because their skin color is a certain color.

        So because of these reasons would you say that racism is normal too? Would you say that you saw this event coming eventually?

        You say that Dedmon is an individual for killing a black man. But to me, he isn’t an individual. He’s a part of a large group of people that chose to be racist and pick on people with different skin tones. (So I guess what I’m trying to say is that they’re all conforming to Racism) But If he didn’t do what he did, I feel as if eventually someone else would’ve because of the idea of the strong feelings and opinions people have.

        Furthermore, even though Dedmon is dead for his crime. The cruelty of racism will never disappear, just because of the strong feelings and opinions some people have towards other people. These feelings are the reason why we’ll never escape these acts of cruelty, and why we’ll never be able to live in a Utopia where there is only peace.

    • Khadra 967944 October 3, 2011 at 3:37 pm #

      Not all muslim cultures believe in that. Those ideas are forced upon young men at a tender age & thats how they grow up. Only a few people realize it And the king realized it way too late which makes him is a conformist. If he knew that it was wrong he would’ve went against it the minute he came to power, but he didnt. & he only wants the media attention that the female activists get.

  3. Alexis September 26, 2011 at 1:53 pm #
    This article is about a man tricking a woman into meeting him somewhere and him kidnapping her. This takes place up on mount Juliet, but he brought her to a hotel that was 250 miles away. This article represents the connection between a conformist and an individual because a concornist would have stayed with the man and became his “slave”, but an individual, such as the girl used her free wil, grabbed the gun, and killed him.

    • Alexis September 26, 2011 at 1:54 pm #

      Alexis ,section C

    • Brianna Binger October 3, 2011 at 10:24 pm #

      I think what Cronk did to that woman was sneaky, disturbing and vile. And it would be hard to get out of the situation, the woman was very lucky. But I think the story doesn’t really connect to conformity or individualism because, In such a situation i doubt that a conformist would stay in the hotel an continue to be sexually assaulted. No “normal” person would have stayed in the hotel at all. Other people might have conformed by rather that shooting Cronk calling the police while they were free.No one would have conformed by staying in the hotel that would make no sense at all. The woman is not an individual because I think that anyone in that situation would act the same way doing whatever they can to get out to the situation but as well as staying alive by as the woman did using self defense and instinct. She acted but tricking the man to try and get her a drunk thus she was able to get the gun and shoot him. This example shows more normality if anything because like i said anyone in the same situation would probably end up doing the same thing. I agree that she used her free will to escape Cronk who was at the time overpowering her for his own twisted reasons.

      • Hayley Chung Sec: F October 4, 2011 at 6:58 pm #

        I disagree when you said that the woman was not individual because after she shot the man, any normal person would probably get out of that hotel room and go somewhere that is more public or a place that happens to be safer. Instead she locked herself in the bathroom which I feel is not normal. If someone was brought to a hotel to sexually assault you, you would want to leave that area as soon as possible, but she stayed in the bathroom which shows that she is an individual. Even though you said that everyone would act the same she didn’t, showing that she is not conformist, but an individual.

        I agree when you said that she has free will to escape, because of her quick thinking she was able to trick the man, take the gun, and shoot him. At this point she wasn’t limited to the consequences that could have happen because she was shooting someone, probably without thinking she shot him using her “instinct” as you said. This demonstrates the free will that the woman has because the gun was the sign of power and she was able to take control of it. Giving her the power and free will to act as she pleased.

      • Bridget Fehily Sec:F October 5, 2011 at 5:05 pm #

        I also have to disagree with you Brianna. i think that to shoot the man was a very smart move. however most people would probably get out of there as fast as they could. I think locking herself i the bathroom could have also been dangerous for her and like Hayley said to get to a more public place that would be considered safer. i thinks that doing something that is not normal makes her an individual.

        I agree with you that she used her free will to escape. she made a smart move to trick the man and then shoot him. who knows what would have happened if she had stayed. she could have stayed and probably be killed but she used her free will to shoot him then lock herself in the bathroom.

      • Renata Mendes Sec. F October 5, 2011 at 7:46 pm #

        Brianna , I agree with you that this article doesn’t really connect with individuality and conformity. Conforming wouldn’t mean for the woman to continue to be sexually assaulted , that would mean she is stupid. Of course if you were in that situation you would be scared and afraid to do anything about it. I think that by not doing anything because you are well aware of the consequences doesn’t make you a conformist. In that situation you would be considered normal to not do anything. You’d be considered normal because society would think that for you to take the abuse , because of your fear of what would happen if you were to take a stand is normal .

        I really disagree though when you said this woman was not an individual. I find that to be rude and not true. She is most definitely an individual , because for her to do the opposite of what a normal person would makes her an individual. She is defying what society thinks any “normal” woman would do. For her to come up with the idea to ask him to get her a drink and muster up the courage to grab control of the gun and shoot him proves she’s a real individual.

        I doubt anyone put in the same situation would end up doing what she did inorder to get out of there safe and alive.

    • Francesca alcime October 4, 2011 at 12:55 am #

      Francesca alcime
      Sec D

      I like And also agree with the part when you said that only an individual would take the gun and kill the man. It takes courAge and strength to be able to hold a gun and end someone’s life. Most people now a days are soft hearted so it would be hard for most of us to hold a gun and murder someone with it. Basically, I’m trying to say that the girl was an individual because most other girls would be sort of too scared to end someone’s life. They’d rather put their life at stake Nd be a conformist instead of being an individual if they were put at this position…
      The girl is also an individual in this situation because she was able to do something that most of us would be scared to do. She had the strength to protect herself. I mean seriously, how many girls in total do you hear on the news/see committing a crime of murder . Barely any. She did something that only a few would do and something that others like her or opposite from her would he scared to do. So in general, I agree with your article about the girl being an individual and not a conformist.

      • Stephanie Regis sec. f October 5, 2011 at 9:34 pm #

        I agree with Francesca when she says that the girl is an individual because she took the gun and shot the man. Most people, including me would probably be hesitant when it comes to shooting someone. Instead she put that aside and did what she needed to do to get away.
        I also disagree when Alexis says that a conformist would stay and be their slave because what if the reason they’re staying is because that person could possibly have them in a situation where it’s not safe to escape. Either way, no one would really decide to stay/ want to be in that situation on their own free will, so i don’t think that’s an example of conformity.
        In my own views, if I was in her situation, I would probably panic at first but realize that I need to get out of there so I need to come up with something. If the gun was the only “powerful” weapon in sight then I would have to use it for self defense. I’d rather him be hurt than me.

      • Deborah Hiwot October 5, 2011 at 11:14 pm #

        I agree and disagree with you because I think that she tried to please herself and protect herself. I think she was a conformist when Cronk asked to acquaint her one last time before he moved away, and to see her at Mount Juliet gas station. She willingly agreed to meet him, and most eighteen year old girls wouldn’t want to meet up with a 58 year old man but this showed she sacrificed her time to meet him again. She tried to please Cronk in some ways and in some ways she tried to please herself and protect herself. I think she was a conformist when Cronk asked to acquaint her one last time before he moved away, and to see her at Mount Juliet gas station. She willingly agreed to meet him, and most eighteen year old girls wouldn’t want to meet up with a 58 year old man but she showed sacrificed her time to meet him again. Like mentioned in the article, “a prior acquaintance, one last time, police said. The woman agreed to the meeting.” She pretty much agree quickly without thinking about what the consequences would be to meet with an older man alone at a gas station.

        The last reasons why I think she was both an individualist and a conformist is because she had defended herself by shooting him which most people would be scared to do. Also, how she didn’t do anything and how she stayed in the hotel room even after she shot Cronk. Like you mentioned, I agree on how you said “She had the strength to protect herself. Which most of us would be scared to do.” The way she shot him in the stomach definitely shows how brave she was to do something like that. A lot of people would be afraid to commit a crime to protect you but she had a strong heart. Instead, what if she stayed with him and she was his slave forever, would that still make her a conformist or an individual? Wouldn’t she be an individual to live that long with him because most people would be killed already or most people would attempt to kill themselves or escape. I heard about a lot of people who try to protect themselves which does make them individuals but it also makes them conformists by thinking about what others would do in that situation to protect themselves. Although, if they were stuck to live with the suspect for a long time then it wouldn’t be that much of a conformist it would be more of an individual who is afraid of escaping and just stays there forever. Another reason why she is a conformist is because she locked herself in the hotel room right after she shot Cronk. Most people would escape but she just stayed there to kind of please Cronk when he comes back to know that she stayed for him and would be there.

        In my opinion I’ve been taught my whole life to never ever talk to strangers so I find it very unwise of her to talk to some older man and meet him alone. She barely knows him and she even goes inside his car too. Now that we’re in a bad time where everyone gets murdered she should’ve told her parents or any adult about him because he obviously wants to do more than acquaint her. If I was her I would tell somebody about this and I would never go inside the car with him, when your living in a time like this you cant trust anyone. Many people now a days ask those questions like “I can’t find my dog, can you help me find it?” and eventually they take you somewhere else and kill you then throw o into the river. You can never really tell what your faith is and so many lives are taken away everyday, so the best thing to do is be positive and to always be careful with strangers because you never really know who they are inside and what they are planning to do.

      • Deborah Hiwot Sect:F October 5, 2011 at 11:50 pm #

        Deborah Hiwot

        Sect: F

      • Deborah Hiwot Sect:F October 5, 2011 at 11:57 pm #

        I agree and disagree with you because I think that she tried to please herself and protect herself. I think she was a conformist Cronk asked to acquaint her one last time before he moved away, and to see her at Mount Juliet gas station. She willingly agreed to meet him, and most eighteen year old girls wouldn’t want to meet up with a 58 year old man but this showed she sacrificed her time to meet him again. She tried to please Cronk in some ways and in some ways she tried to please herself and protect herself. I think she was a conformist when Cronk asked to acquaint her one last time before he moved away, and to see her at Mount Juliet gas station. She willingly agreed to meet him, and most eighteen year old girls wouldn’t want to meet up with a 58 year old man but she showed sacrificed her time to meet him again. Like mentioned in the article, “a prior acquaintance, one last time, police said. The woman agreed to the meeting.” She pretty much agree quickly without thinking about what the consequences would be to meet with an older man alone at a gas station.

        The last reasons why I think she was both an individualist and a conformist is because she had defended herself by shooting him which most people would be scared to do. Also, how she didn’t do anything and how she stayed in the hotel room even after she shot Cronk. Like you mentioned, I agree on how you said “She had the strength to protect herself. Which most of us would be scared to do.” The way she shot him in the stomach definitely shows how brave she was to do something like that. A lot of people would be afraid to commit a crime to protect you but she had a strong heart. Instead, what if she stayed with him and she was his slave forever, would that still make her a conformist or an individual? Wouldn’t she be an individual to live that long with him because most people would be killed already or most people would attempt to kill themselves or escape. I heard about a lot of people who try to protect themselves which does make them individuals but it also makes them conformists by thinking about what others would do in that situation to protect themselves. Although, if they were stuck to live with the suspect for a long time then it wouldn’t be that much of a conformist it would be more of an individual who is afraid of escaping and just stays there forever. Another reason why she is a conformist is because she locked herself in the hotel room right after she shot Cronk. Most people would escape but she just stayed there to kind of please Cronk when he comes back to know that she stayed for him and would be there.

        In my opinion I’ve been taught my whole life to never ever talk to strangers so I find it very unwise of her to talk to some older man and meet him alone. She barely knows him and she even goes inside his car too. Now that we’re in a bad time where everyone gets murdered she should’ve told her parents or any adult about him because he obviously wants to do more than acquaint her. If I was her I would tell somebody about this and I would never go inside the car with him, when your living in a time like this you cant trust anyone. Many people now a days ask those questions like “I can’t find my dog, can you help me find it?” and eventually they take you somewhere else and kill you then throw o into the river. You can never really tell what your faith is and so many lives are taken away everyday, so the best thing to do is be positive and to always be careful with strangers because you never really know who they are inside and what they are planning to do.

  4. Courtney Canale: Section C September 26, 2011 at 3:50 pm #

    -This article is about how hundreds of civilians fled Muammar Qaddafi’s hometown
    Monday to escape increasing shortages of food as well as medicine and greatening
    fears that their homes would be destroyed during fighting between the revolutionary
    forces and the loyalists.

    -This event takes place in Sirte, Libya. 

    -This explains the connection between conformity and individuality because the people
    have to choose whether to conform to be revolutionaries or loyalists or to flee and be

    -My opinion of this article is that the citizens who fled were individuals because they did
    not want to conform to either side especially with the risks of starvation and becoming
    homeless. The people who are revolutionaries are individuals but people who change to
    be loyalists are conformists and the same for the loyalists except they are conformists if
    they change to be revolutionaries.

    “We got scared for our children,” said Amir Ali, 40, who ran a metal workshop in the city for years. He fled with his five when they felt the explosions they heard outside got too close to their home.

    “It comes from both sides,” he said. “I have no idea what kind of weapons they are, but it’s all heavy stuff.”

    (This article was published on September 26, 2011 — which was today)

    • Sterling Joseph: Section D October 1, 2011 at 4:00 pm #

      I understand what you are trying to say, and I mostly agree with what your saying. In the case of the civilians, some are being individuals, while some actually support one side. As you stated in the article, Courtney, there are civilians who won’t conform to the viewpoints of either side. Not everyone is like this however. Others either believe that Qaddafi hasn’t done anything wrong, or that the revolutionaries are right in their views. In the article, it says that many people feel endangered by the fighting. For the civilians, the top priority is staying alive, so they could have a view-point on it and not be able to express it because they are caught in the crossfire. If they were to stay and support, there’s the possibility that they could end up dead.

      On the other hand, I have to disagree with your point about only the revolutionaries being individuals while the loyalists are the conformists. In a way, both sides are conformists. Although their views are different from each other, the two groups want the civilians to support their cause, depending on the group.

      As a final argument, some of the loyalists are individuals, because they don’t support either cause. In fact, most of the loyalists are fighting with the intention of revenge for their fallen family members. To quote the article:
      “Many people died in the battlefield as martyrs, so their relatives are angry. It doesn’t have to do with Qaddafi anymore. It’s more about revenge than about anything else.”

      • Rebecca Holland : Section E October 3, 2011 at 7:02 pm #

        I understand what you are saying, and for the most part I agree. When it comes to the citizens being individuals some are some are not; some are conforming while others are not. BUT, as you said, “My opinion of this article is that the citizens who fled were individuals because they did not want to conform to either espicallt with the risks of starvation and becoming homeless.”, did you ever think that the citizens fleeing was a way of conforming? If they are fleeing, that obviously shows that those with the higher power have gotten what they wanted. The citizens are being forced to flee because, those with power have gained control of that they need; food,fuel, drinking water, and medcine.
        I also have to disagree with what you are saying about the loyalists. Some of them are being individuals because that do not agree with either side, as the article says many of them are fighting for revenge for family members who have died. To quote the article:”Many people died in the battlefield as martyrs, so their relatives are angry. It doesn’t have to do with Qaddafi anymore. It’s more about revenge than about anything else.” As said, it is not about Qaddafi anymore, people just want revenge for the wrongs done to them and their familes.They just want this to end and move on, so that they can continue with their lives.
        Also, I must disagree with what you are saying about the revolutionaries being just individuals and the loyalists being just conformists. I think that in some sense both sides, the revolutionaries and the loyalists are both confromists to some degree. The loyalists are conformists beacuse they they are confroming to Qaddafi’s power. And the revoltionaries are conformists because they are conforming to the leader of the revolionaries, following their lead and orders.

      • Daniel Huynh Section D October 3, 2011 at 7:25 pm #

        I do agree with you when you said that the people have to choose to conform to be a revolutionary or a loyalist. I agree because in the article it says that the fugitive leader’s still remain in control of the town of Bani Walid. The revolutionaries are conforming to war because they are fighting for what they feel is right. They feel like it is their duty to protect people. But the loyalist are also conformists because they are protecting Qaddafi when they don’t have to. Maybe if they hadn’t gone this far they would still have that guilt of not protecting their leader. In the article Mohammed who supported Qaddafi said that he fought for personal reasons. In a way he was being an individual for fighting for his own purposes but he did not have to fight for Qaddafi. He could of been against Qaddafi and fight for the fallen ones and prevent more deaths.

        But I disagree with you when you said that the civilians are the individuals because they fled. The civilians fled because it is what they felt like was the right thing to do. But in a way they are also conformist because they are doing what is best for their family, a lot of people do that so therefore that is not individuality. They were conforming to society by getting out of that place to protect their loved ones.

        Lastly I disagree with you when you said that if the loyalist became revolutionaries they would be conformists. I disagree because the loyalist can become a revolutionary and still be an individual because they might of changed their views on Qaddafi and fight for their own reasons. This is not conformity because they did not have acted on what society was telling them to do.

  5. Alex Pham section C September 29, 2011 at 5:15 pm #

    1. What is about? Where does it take place?

    It’s about the president re-election where Obama is seen getting very different results.
    “Now, however, a Washington Post/ABC News poll finds that black voters with a “strongly favorable” view of Obama dropped from 86% to 58% in just five months.”
    So the african american voters are decreasing.
    “White voters heralded the election of a black president as a sign that long-standing racial gaps were closing, and they expected Obama to play a post-racial role; a president for everyone, who just happened to be black.”
    On the other hand some other voters think it’s a chance to close the gap between the racial difference to be the president.

    2. How does this explian the connection between conformity and individuality?

    This explains that because with these voters they all have there choice to either vote for this or this person. Then Odama being the president has to keep a good image so that he may be president again. So Obama is a conformist because he doesn’t have the free will to get his position back. Instead let’s the individuals vote for his position.

    3. What is your opinion about this article?

    I think it’s a informative article about Obama. It shows that being the president up for re-election is tough because people already seen what you are as the president so if your bad they won’t re vote for you. I also see that people are stopping the surpport for Obama. Overall i think it’s a good article and it does show examples of conformity and individuality.

    • Edward Le October 3, 2011 at 5:13 pm #

      Alex, for the most part i also found this article informative. I think that knowing about the up-coming election for our nation is very important.

      I agree when you said “It shows that being the president up for re-election is tough because people already seen what you are as the president so if your bad they won’t re vote for you.” In my opinion I think that Obama has been a decent president, He has helped the poor and attempted to help our economy. But from what the article said “People are disappointed because I think their expectations were way too high to begin with.”, this is very true. Many people thought Obama was going to be a great president because after our economy had went downhill they needed someone to carry and help them through the hard times. This made people think that one man in four years could bring the economy back up, that shows they we’re setting the goal way too high.

      I was a little confused when you said “So Obama is a conformist because he doesn’t have the free will to get his position back. Instead let’s the individuals vote for his position.”, because Obama, as an individual has the free will to do anything he wants to. But being the president he HAS to be voted in by the citizens. Can you explain on what he is conforming to?

      • Victoria Brown October 3, 2011 at 7:07 pm #

        Alex this is a good article because its helping people understand about the upcoming election.

        I get what youre saying when you said “It shows that being the president up for re-election is tough because people already seen what you are as the president so if your bad they won’t re vote for you” and i agree with you because if you are bad people know you are bad and will not revote for you, You seem to not think Obama is a good president but so far he is being one because everyone makes mistakes he is a normal person but then again hes not so normal because hes running our country and making it a better place. He has been doing the best he could but he is making up for the former presidents mistakes and thats never easy when the former president has spent so much money for this country and it has not gone anywhere. When you say “I also see that people are stopping the surpport for Obama” i HIGHLY agree because a lot of people do not understand how hard it is to be a president. He has/has not made this country as happy as it good be, then again hes made it happy then the former president made it.

        I like when you said that obama has been a descent president but the article you picked has disagreed with you. The article states”People are disappointed because I think their expectations were way too high to begin with.”. I some what/do agree with it because everyone made it seem like Obama was going to make this country into something it could not be. He has done good but everyone believes he could do better. It seems everything excepting too mcuh out of one person.

        im with Edward Le when he was confused about what you said. You had said”So Obama is a conformist because he doesn’t have the free will to get his position back. Instead let’s the individuals vote for his position.” Obama has the free will to do what he wants. He can eitther leave the election or not.So im not understanding how he can possibly be a conformist?

  6. Caitlin D'Amato : Section C September 30, 2011 at 2:59 pm #

    “The fastest man on no legs”

    – This article is about a guy named Oscar Pistorious, the “Blade Runner”. He was born without a fibula in each leg and will be the first South African amputee to run at the Athletics Track World Championships and will be the first to race at the Olympics. He qualified for the 400 meters with a tim eof 45.07 seconds in Italy in July. It is 2 seconds slower than Michael Johnson’s 1999 world record and would have given him fifth place in the final of the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

    – This explains the connection between conformity and individuality because he is an individual, not a conformist. He is one of the fastest runners in the world and is competing in the upcoming Olympics. He is unlike any other runner competing because he does not have a fibula bone in either of his legs. Therefore, he is an individual not a conformist.

    – My opinion of this article is that it is very inspirational. It shows you that anything is possible. This article also shows signs of overcoming avdersity in your life. He didn’t let anything get in his way and tried to be the best he could be and he succeeded. Everyone needs to have the drive in them to do what they want and not let anything get in their way.

    • Jolyn Woodley Section E October 2, 2011 at 8:37 pm #

      I agree with you that Oscar Pistorious was an individual, though I think he was an individual not only because he became one of the fastest runners in the world and is competing in the upcoming Olympics, but also because he overcame his disability. He wasn’t allowed into the Beijing Olympics because of the type of prosthetic he had, yet he still continued to hone his skills, break personal records, and won metals in the Paralympics. Although he had an injury in 2009, he didn’t let the inability to train slow down his determination. It took some time but he eventually jumped back into training and has overcome adversity and didn’t let anything get in his way. I think this is an influential story that would not only appeal to people with his condition, but also to anyone who has a dream and a drive, that sometimes life gives you hurdles, and you have to overcome them and strive to be your best.

  7. Cathyana jean baptiste section c September 30, 2011 at 3:37 pm #

    What is this about? Where does it take place?
    – This article is about a soilder coming out and telling his dad that he is gay. the soilder is stationed in Germany but calls his father from Alabama

    How does this explian the connection between conformity and individuality?
    -the soildder connects to an individuality because he’s finally being himself and telling his parents who he really is and no longer keeping a secret. he dosen’t have to a “normal” he can be himself which is an individual.
    -he connects to conformity because for most of his life he had to conform and “be like everyone else” by being straight and not telling anyone that he was gay and being “noraml”.

    What is your opinion about this article?
    -i feel proud that he finally came out and told his dad who he really is and stopped hiding from who he really is

    • Cathyana jean baptiste section c September 30, 2011 at 3:38 pm #

      “Dad, I’m gay.”
      then his da accepts him

    • Kayli (SECTION E) October 3, 2011 at 4:44 pm #

      I disagree with what you said about the soldier having to conform all his life and hide who he really is. Yeah, he had to keep this a secret (for the purpose of being judged), but he has always been who he really is. While talking to his dad in the video, the soldier even says that he has “known since forever.” He just didn’t shout out to the world, “I’M GAY!”. I mean he has ALWAYS been gay – but felt uncomfortable at those times to actually come out and tell his secret. The soldier identified on the website as Randy Phillips seems to me as if he used to be a conformer. The reason being is because he conformed to what most other closeted gays do; basically keep telling themselves that this is “just a phase” and everything will turn out “normal”. However, now Randy is an individual -An individual with a living and accepting father. He has the freedom to do what ever he wants without carrying that burden of a secret along with him. In my opinion, sometimes you have to conform up until the point of getting what you want; once you get it, you can then become an individual.

      • Andriana Harris October 4, 2011 at 5:07 am #

        Andriana Harris (Section D)

        I disagree with what your saying (Kayli) and a bit confused about what your trying to say. One minute your saying that the man in this article always known that he’s been gay, then the next your saying that he conformed to what other gays would do. (Which is what Cathyana was saying if I’m not mistaken). But I agree with Cathyana because before, by holding in his sexuality he was being someone that he was not (conformist) and now that hes reached out to his father by letting him know his sexuality after all these years, hes now an individual. (Being someone he really is).

      • Janeille Edwards October 5, 2011 at 5:35 pm #

        Kaylie, I disagree with you. The man was infact a conformist. He had the free will to tell his father. Yes, there’s possibilities of unacceptance, but is that worth giving up your individuality? The soldier should have realized long before that his definition of ‘normal’ might contrast with others, but it’s all about what he thinks. His mind and his ways shouldn’t have left him feeling abnormal. The fact that he wasn’t questioning himself and not accepting it does make him an individual though; but keeping it a secret takes away from that. In your closing argument, you stated that conforming to a certain point can sometimes be neccesary. This statement only leaves you in complete and utter wrong. You more than once contradicted yourself about Randy’s personality. Choose one, in my opinion. Your choice should be comformity. He thought he was doing right by holding a secret that could have forever changed his life. He shouldn’t have done that. He should have stayed true to himself and in fact blurted out “I’M GAY!” A long time ago.

  8. Shannon McGonagle Section C September 30, 2011 at 3:59 pm #

    “He is Oscar Pistorius, the ‘Blade Runner’ who is changing the world’s perception of what is acceptable on an athletics track.”


    This article is about Oscar Pistorius, a South-African man born with no fibula in either of his legs, who is changing the world of competitive track running. He had all the qualifying teams and beat out some of the world’s fastest non-amputee runners, but wasn’t allowed to compete in the 2008 Beijing Olympics. This was because his prosthetic legs were considered an unfair advantage for him.

    This relates to individuality and conformity because everyone sees him as an individual (in a good way) because of how he is overcoming his handicap. (oh look! adversity) Anyways, he is lucky he has such an amazing talent and can “conform” in a way. In the society we live in, if he didn’t have such great running ability, he would still be viewed as an individual, but in a different way. Most people, even though they might not want to admit it, would consider him strange or different.

    My opinion on this article is that Oscar deserves to run, because like he said, “If the legs did provide such an advantage…then there would be a lot more amputees using the exact same prosthetic legs I have”. You are not disabled by the disabilities you have, you are able by the abilities you have.

    • victoria gosse October 3, 2011 at 2:40 pm #

      I agree with what you have taken out of the article about Oscar, but i feel although people will still consider him strange or different because of his birth defect. Not everyone will accept him as “normal” because he can run. Oscar may feel more normal to himself because he is able to do something that everyone else can do. “Normal ” is different to everyone so i think you should be careful in you use of the word.

      Even thought i think Oscar might be trying to “conform” in to society through running, that doesn’t really mean society will accept him the way he is. An example of that would be him not being let to run in the 2008 Olympics due to his legs. He is obviously viewed different from others due to his defect. On that note i do agree that Oscar is definitely looked at as an individual considering being born with no fibula doesn’t happen to a lot of people. To be a runner when you have prosthetic legs also isn’t usually the first thing on someones mind,but i feel is he was to not take on running as a sport he would still be looked at as the same individual with less of an impact on society. Oscar has used the “power” of his new and improved legs to do something productive with himself.

    • Hamza Mohamed, Section D October 3, 2011 at 6:17 pm #

      You said “This relates to individuality and conformity…”, but I strongly disagree with your idea because you’re contradicting yourself. In order to be an individual you have to have power over yourself but conformity means you do exactly what everyone else does.
      Oscar Pistorius is not the first person to overcome being handicap. There are many people in this world who have handicaps and learn how to deal with them every day. That proves that having a handicap doesn’t make him an individual. You didn’t explain clearly how he is a conformist, he isn’t because I don’t see everyone else walking to school with prostatic legs and you barely explained adversity in your comment, which was the main them “But after a life of overcoming adversity, the setback was just another step in his growth…” It is impossible for a person who runs tracks that has prostatic legs not to have adversity in his life.
      You said “Anyways, he is lucky he has such an amazing talent and can “conform” in a way.” I strongly disagree with your idea because having prostatic leg isn’t a talent the talent is how he can overcome this obstacle and embrace his handicap and make it something beneficial.

      • Giordano Rogers, Section F October 5, 2011 at 9:18 pm #

        I greatly do agree with you Hamza. I think that the point you argued was very thorough, clar and concise, as well as being backed up by good evidence and quotes. The examples you used were very on topic and easy to understand. When you said “You didn’t explain clearly how he is a conformist, he isn’t because I don’t see everyone else walking to school with prostatic legs,” it made alot of sense. Of course it makes no sense that he is a conformist. When was the last time you heard that someone with prosthetic legs became an Olympic level professional runner.
        I also do think that the point in her comment when Shannon said “Anyways, he is lucky he has such an amazing talent and can “conform” in a way,” made absolutly no sense at all, how is it that he was conforming by doing something so revolutionary and individual. What he did hadn’t been done before and if it had then definitely to a far lesser extent than Oscar Pistorious.
        OscarPistorious went far beyond his painful adversity so that he could get away from the boring, previous low expectations of a handicapped person. What Oscar did wastruly and completely individual. Anyone who says that he is a conformist, obviously did not understand and grasp the true meaning of the text.

  9. Julianne Coleman Section A September 30, 2011 at 4:44 pm #

    1: What is about? Where does it take place?

    This article is about how kids are skipping school. It takes place in Boston but the it also talks about New York schools also Ohio and Baltimore. So many schools have student skipping school now.

    2. How does this explain the connection between conformity and individuality?
    This explain the connection be between individuality and conformity by saying that so many kid are skipping school. After so many students skip school other student are going to want to fallow them and do the same, also know are conforming. Students are also conforming by staying school. We, the students, conform to society or the law of Boston. They tell us we have to go to school and we listen. We conform to the law because that’s what we were taught to do. So this make the students conformist. But wouldn’t students rather be individuals?

    3: What is your opinion on this article?

    I think this article is an article that is try to tell us to stay in school. They also say to us that everyday in school counts for us later in life. But I found it to be boring because as students we are told this so much. What is article going to do tell us the same thing are teachers do but we have to read it instead?

    • Kylie Nee October 3, 2011 at 3:37 pm #

      I understand what you’re saying, Julianne, but here’s what I think. Yes, there has definitely been an increase of student absences at schools. Kids think that it’s cool to skip school because that’s what everyone else does, these kids are conformists, they do what they’re told by their peers is the “cool thing to do”, but just because a majority of your friends are doing it, doesn’t mean you have to do it too. The few kids that are staying in school to get a good education are the individuals. They know that being in the minority and doing the right thing will benefit them in the long run. it does’t matter anymore what the rules are or what the law is telling them to do, because more than half of the school aren’t doing what they’re told anyways. you can’t expect to be in the larger group of people and still be an individual, you have to step out of the crowd, and that’s what the good students have chosen to do. Of course there is going to be peer pressure to do what everyone else is doing, but because these students are individuals, they have the power to say NO.

      I understand when you say that the law is trying to make you conform to staying in school, Julianne, but you have the free will to be a conformist to your peers and do wat they’re doing, skipping school. you can do anything you want to, but you should put yourself and your education first and be an individual. A LIFE LESSON FROM KYLIE HAHA.

    • Khadra Section E October 3, 2011 at 3:41 pm #

      Most childern usually skip classes & school because they are pressured to and the fact that they follow their friends show that they are conformists not really individuals

      • Stephanie Su Section:F October 5, 2011 at 6:22 pm #

        I do not fully agree with you, Khadra. What I do agree with you is that many of the students just follow their friends which shows they are conformists and not individuals, but most students don’t skip school/classes because they are under pressure, they do it to be “cool.” The article also tells how students “walk slowly,” (said by actual students.) Walking as slow as an ant is obviously not their fastest speed, but instead they think it’s cool being late therefore they continuously do it. Students don’t want to be known as “nerds” or be known as a studious student, but “fresh” and “cool.” Many students also think that doing wrong things are the only way to be “cool” and popular which leads them to not having a successful life in the future. Being popular is apparently very important to students these days and I think it is too, but not that important to the point of ruining your chances of a successful future. I very much agree with Kylie Nee when she said “put yourself and your education first and become an individual,” because it’s your life. You decide on what you do, maybe with the guidance of your family, (and possibly dependable/smart/”people who actually have something in the future for them” friends,) but when your adult, your free to choose your life from there on. [I mean friends that are on the right path.]

  10. Jennifer Zhen Section A September 30, 2011 at 7:11 pm #

    “The expansion is obviously aimed at bringing to China even more wealthy, ailing foreigners.”


    1.What is this about? Where does it take place?

    This article takes place in China. In China, the government is killing their prisoners for organs to help people in need. Basically, this writer wrote how wrong killing prisoners are.

    2.How does this explain the connection between Conformity/individuality?

    Many people are sick and they need to replace their organs because their organs are failing. Due to the fact that people in other countries have to wait a very long period of time before getting a new organ; they decide to go to China to get a new organ. In China, the waiting period is shorter and it’s cheaper too. Many people conform to the fact that it’s okay for China to be doing this because they are supplying people with new organs by killing prisoners. People think that it is normal because it is what society thinks is right. The writer of this article, Arthur Caplan is an individual because he thinks that what China is doing is wrong. He is speaking up for it and he’s making a stand. To be an individual, you have to stand out and be different. Arthur is different for not believing what society thinks is right. That is why he is an individual; that’s the difference between Conformity and Individuality.

    3.What is your opinion about this article?

    I think this article is unique. I mean … who does that? No one would kill prisoners just to get organs from them. Just because they did something wrong, doesn’t mean the government should kill them. To me, this article is weird and insane. I appreciate Arthur for writing this article. He’s informing everyone about what China is doing, and he’s standing up for the prisoner’s life. Go Arthur!

    • Anders Kirleis Sec. D October 3, 2011 at 8:19 pm #

      I agree with you it is unique. It is messes up but It is their country so they can do this. Why should people in our country complain when we put prisoners to death as well. Think of it as China is using the prisoners they kill. If we lived in a country that didn’t put people to death then we could complain about this issue. You also have to look at what crime the prisoners did with keeping in mind that China has a different legal system than us. I doubt that people are being killed for their organs just because they stole something. Also think about that Chinas government is communist so they can do what ever they want to their prisoners. If people speak out about their government they can get the death penalty in China

      • Arli Lilaj sec. F October 5, 2011 at 8:13 pm #

        Anders I agree on how it is unique. But killing prisoners and using their dead bodies for parts is really a big shame. People in our country and all countries definitely execute prisoners on how bad their crimes are but from the article ” Killing prisoners for their parts is unethical on its own, but the practice is even more heinous given that prisoners in China can get death sentences for their religious or spiritual beliefs, political views or relatively minor crimes.” China kills random prisoners for the most minor crimes. Do you really think that seems normal? Let me give you an example: A Chinese boy about 17 takes a $100 gift card or something from the store and he got caught in the camera doing it. He is taken to the china jail and hes found guilty there and goes to prison. Then about a week there the Warden or whoever is in charge announces that All 15-20 year old’s will be executed and will have their organs ripped out for other people. How would you feel if you were into that situation? Do you think that is a fair situation no matter what the government? Also you said “I doubt that people are being killed for their organs just because they stole something.” Then you said “Also think about that Chinas government is communist so they can do what ever they want to their prisoners.” I’m pretty sure that your second sentence makes the one before it mean nothing.

  11. Kim Pham Sec.A September 30, 2011 at 7:25 pm #–hate-crime/index.html?npt=NP1

    “Dedmon showed no emotion, expressed no remorse, and made no further statements at the hearing before Hinds County Circuit Judge Jeff Weill Friday morning.”

    1.What is it about? Where does it take place?

    This article is about a teenager named Deryl Paul Dedmon who killed a black man named James Craig Anderson, with the help of a few other teen boys. This took place in Mississippi. Dedmon showed no emotional reaction to the killing whatsoever. This killing was caught on tape from a security camera in a parking lot. This group of teenage boys beat Anderson very badly, yelling racial epithets. After the beating, Dedmon ran over Anderson with a car, laughing about the killing.

    2.How does this explain the connection between conformity/individuality?

    This explains the connection between conformity and individuality because it shows how the conformists(society) and individuals(Dedmon) react towards eachother. Dedmon killed a black man clearly because he was black. This shows he is an individual because no normal person would kill a human being for no reason. Anderson was an innocent man who had no hate for Dedman, or even knew who he was. Society would be the conformists because the majority of the people act “normal” and “follow the rules” because that is what it expected of you. This explains the connection between conformity and individuality because Dedmon being the individual caused the society, being the conformists shock and awe. This is very rare because America has been past through slavery, which lead to the civil war, which lead to racism, which lead to civil rights. Killing of a black man because of his race had already past in history. Now we treat everyone equally and with justice no matter what race you are. It is shocking to see this happen again. This connection means that individuality has an affect on what the conformists wants to do with the individual(in this case, putting him in jail and deciding on a death penalty), since majority rules over that individual.Depending on what the individual does, conformity will respond.

    3.What is your opinion about this article?

    This article, also left me in shock and awe. I find it very disturbing how a group of teenagers killed a man they never met in their entire life, just because of his skin color. It is also shocking this was caught on tape and Dedman laughed about killing Anderson. I found this very inhumane and insane. This reminds me that not everyone in the world has a pure heart. There is cruelty out there, and injustice. I hope the world gets a hold of itself and let us live in peace for once with society getting along with eachother.

  12. alan ng September 30, 2011 at 9:17 pm #

    1: What is about? Where does it take place?
    it is about a man who had planned to assault the pentagon and the u.s capitol with remote controlled airplanes that had contained explosives. it takes place in Framingham, Massachusetts.

    2:How does this explain the connection between conformity and individuality?
    it explains the connection between conformity and individuality because first,he wanted to conform with the AL Qaeda people because of what they had done and what he had believed. you might also say that he may be trying to join the group. Yet its also individuality because he thought of this idea by himself to assault the capitol and the pentagon with his own tactics and ideas. A line of text that shows that he was acting upon being an individuality is ” At one point, according to recorded conversation detailed in the affidavit, Ferdaus told undercover agents that his desire to attack the United States was so strong, “I just can’t stop. There is no other choice for me.”

    3: What is your opinion on this article?
    my opinion on this article is that its mostly kinda absurd yet thrilling to read. it is absurd because the person would not have any materials for any of his plan if it wasn’t from the money borrowing from an undercover FBI agent. Yet its thrilling because they had caught him red handed. also, how he was going to actually attack the u.s, maybe from this incident this may lead to more people that has the same goal in mind

    • alan ng September 30, 2011 at 9:18 pm #

      also the guy that was caught is Rezwan Ferdaus

      • alan ng September 30, 2011 at 9:20 pm #

        Alan Ng, SECTION: A

    • Danny Sellers October 2, 2011 at 7:58 pm #

      Danny Sellers Section E

      I understand what you mean by “he was conforming to the Al Qaeda”. this is what Rezwan Ferdous obviously believes in, and he hates America. Like you said, he wants to join Al Qaeda and plot to attack us, and i agree with you, he was conforming. He did not conform because “everybody else was doing it”. He conformed because that was simply what he believed in and he wanted to express it, and thank god he didn’t get a chance to.
      I agree with you about conformity, however i disagree with what you said about individuality. You claimed he was an individual for thinking up his own plot to assault us, but i don’t think this expresses him as an individual. After saying things like “allah has given us the privelige”, it made me think. By attacking the US, or in his words, “the enemies of allah”, he is only proving to his god, and his people, that he’s the real deal and he’ll actually do it. To me, this seems like he’s just conforming. Being an individual would be doing something under your own personal rule and what you believe, and it seems like this guy is beiung enfluenced by everyone around him

  13. Vee Nguyen Section A September 30, 2011 at 11:44 pm #

    What is this about? Where does it take place?

    This article was originally posted from Washington and it explains to us the United States census results for gay marriage and gay couples. According to the tally results in 2010, the amount of gay couples and marriages is even more than the amount of civil unions, domestic partnerships, and legal marriages! When calculating the gay couples, Bureau stated that the total amount of gay marriages was 901,997 gay couples. But due to miscalculations and issues the total final count for the number of couples was actually 646, 464. Stated by Lois Farnham, of Burlington, Vt, she said that “Every step is a step forward in acknowledging that, yes, we do exist.” But on the other hand, researches believe that the new estimate could be inaccurate and that the total amount is actual 15 percent lower than the actual amount of gay couples due to the fact that they do not include younger gay couples who “double up” in a home in which that neither of them were head of the household. Throughout this article, the census also tells us that about 131, 729 same-sex couples checked “husband” or “wife” boxes on their census forms, meaning that 131, 729 out of 646, 464 same-sex couples were actually married.

    How does this explain the connection between conformity and individuality?

    I think this article explains both conformity and individuality since they explain to us both sides of thoughts from the couples. Throughout this article, it mentioned that the new estimate of the amount of couples was about 15% percent lower because many couples were concerned of discrimination and criticism from their community. I think this article partially represented conformity because people were afraid to be who they truly are, many of them wanted to fit in with society. Therefore, they were not comfortable to state there sexual orientation. But at the same time, the article also represents individuality because the other half the people were not afraid to be who they truly were. The gay married couples did believe in their sexual orientation and believed that people shouldn’t be afraid to hide it. Therefore, they are individuals because they are different from society and unique in their own way.

    What is your opinion about this article?

    I think people who are legally married and gay have a lot of courage because since society isn’t very “used” to seeing this, many feel uncomfortable, but as for them they are not afraid to hide it. I think their thoughts and opinions towards sexual orientation is very unique and different in a good way. As for those people who are scared to show their own orientation, I think they should stand up for themselves and be who they are, no one should be afraid to share their true personalities and thoughts. I really dislike how people judge people based on their sexual orientation, I think society should really just accept people for who they are and respect them the way they want to be treated.

    • Maia Rivera Section D October 4, 2011 at 6:20 am #

      I agree with you 100% about this article. In my honest opinion I think same-sex couples should be able to do whatever they want and still be counted as part of the population. I think it’s really unfair that people are very prejudiced towards gay people, and they try to shun them. They try to make them feel like they’re not equal to other people, when they have just as much right as us “straight” people do. We’re all human beings and we shouldn’t be judged by who or what we love.

      As for the connection with conformity and individuality, I agree with you also. I believe that a lot of gay people choose to conform because they’re scared of what might happen to them, and they don’t know how people are going to react to it or they do know and they just don’t think they’re ready to handle that kind of judgement. As the article says “the new estimate could be as much as 15 percent lower than the actual number of es in the U.S. because of social stigma, discrimination or other concerns about confidentiality.” So, gays just want to fit in so in order to do so they feel the need to hide what they are which I believe is completely wrong. As for the topic of individuality, I also believe that a lot of gays stand strong in their beliefs and they don’t hide what they are. They’re not scared to say that their in love with the same sex, and they’re proud of it. Which I think is great, because they’re choosing to be their own individual and that’swhat they all should do, and fight to get the recognition they need.

  14. Jun Hao Wu October 1, 2011 at 9:28 am #

    “The killings of U.S.-born cleric Anwar al-Awlaki and another American Al Qaeda propagandist in a U.S. airstrike Friday wipe out the decisive factor that made the terrorist group’s Yemen branch the most dangerous threat to the United States: its reach into the West.”

    1: What is about? Where does it take place?
    This guy is a freaking terrorist. Its about how he uses the internet as a command center to tell other people to do bombing stuff. His death is yet to be confirmed, because we didn’t get to see his body. He is linked with Osama, 9-11 attack, and the New York time square. Obama then made this thing called captured or killed. His hideout were near the Yemen mountains. Something called the CIA drone attack was taking place there(no idea what is that).

    2:How does this explain the connection between conformity and individuality?
    Obama made this captured or killed decision for the U.S. So Obama is conformist, because his decision is for all of us and our safety. His decision saved millions of life. This terrorist guy is mostly conformist because he did everything for his religion ( I AM NOT RACIST). By the way he is muslims, the people he controlled could be individual, because he is a terrorist leader so he have the ability to take his family as hostages.

    3. What is your opinion about this article?
    OBAMA IS AWESOME BECAUSE HE KILLED 2 TERRORIST ALREADY. Well not really because we don’t get to see their body. In fact that might not even be Osama because he got like 500 clones. Overall this article is awesome because Anwar al-Awlaki (the terrorist guy i keep on mentioning) is linked with 9-11 attack and he is dead, who else isn’t glad? But this guy holds a master degree in education, why bother be a terrorist instead of getting a job.
    Thing bother me is this quote,”The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because al-Asiri’s death has not officially been confirmed.” WHAT ARE YOU KIDDING ME.

    P.S. Ms.Gentile PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE notify me if this article doesn’t count, thank you.

  15. Christina Fergiste October 1, 2011 at 12:44 pm #
    “A source of national pride “
    – What is this about? Where does it take place?
    This video is about a Chinese ATM that dispenses gold. It takes place in Beijing.

    -How does this explain the connection between Conformity/individuality?
    This video explains the connection between Individuality because it’s the only country that has an ATM that dispenses gold. It is a very unique idea and the idea has actually inspired other countries such as Germany, US, and UK to try the same (an ATM dispensing gold). Unlike those other countries that are conforming, China has found a way to be different and not to be normal like the majority.

    -What is your opinion about this article?
    This video in my eyes stood out from the others. In my opinion the idea of an ATM that dispenses gold is unexpected. Also for someone/something to be an individual or represent individuality in my opinion your main goal is to inspire others not to follow.

    • Elaina Curtis Section D October 1, 2011 at 3:40 pm #

      This is very interesting and you wouldn’t really expect an ATM to dispense gold! I agree with you when you said “it’s a very unique idea,” but no, it wasn’t the first country to do this. The US, Germany, and UK already have ATM’s that dispense gold, so it’s not very individual to their country and it wasn’t their own idea,although it’s creative, so maybe they felt the need to conform to society and the other countries by copying them and adding an ATM that dispenses gold because they see that it raises profits, but if something bad happens with it, they can only blame themselves. It’s like a person who cheats off of somebody, they don’t know if they studied or know the right answers, so when they get a bad grade, they have no one to blame but THEMSELVES!! 

      You also said “to be an individual or represent individuality in my opinion your main goal is to inspire others not to follow.” To be an individual, of course you don’t want people to follow you, because you came up with that idea yourself. Say for example you have your own style of clothing, yes, to you that makes you who you are and makes you an individual, but, if someone sees it and they like it, their most likely gonna go buy what your wearing, so they eventually will be following what you wear and it won’t be as original any more. They might conform to want to wear what your wearing because they feel the need to “fit it” and WANT wear the “cool” clothes. They do have to, but they want to, like I said, to “fit in.”

    • Sari Sailsman ; Section D October 4, 2011 at 4:10 am #

      I have never heard of an ATM that dispenses gold. I agree with your opinion but i disagree with your statement “Individuality because it’s the only country that has an ATM that dispenses gold. It is a very unique idea and the idea has actually inspired other countries such as Germany, US, and UK to try the same (an ATM dispensing gold). Unlike those other countries that are conforming, China has found a way to be different and not to be normal like the majority.”. If these other countries also have gold dispensing ATM machines how can they be individuals ? Maybe they’re machine is different but the concept is the same.
      You said “individuality in my opinion your main goal is to inspire others not to follow.”. I agree and disagree with you. I agree that individuality should inspire others but sometimes when it inspires someone they follow.

    • Sari Sailsman ; Section D October 4, 2011 at 4:14 am #

      I have never heard of an ATM that dispenses gold. I agree with your opinion but i disagree with your statement “Individuality because it’s the only country that has an ATM that dispenses gold. It is a very unique idea and the idea has actually inspired other countries such as Germany, US, and UK to try the same (an ATM dispensing gold). Unlike those other countries that are conforming, China has found a way to be different and not to be normal like the majority.”. If these other countries also have gold dispensing ATM machines how can they be individuals ? Maybe they’re machine is different but the concept is the same.
      You said “your main goal is it inspire other not follow”. I agree and disagree with you. I agree that individuality should inspire others but sometimes when it inspires someone they follow.

  16. Jung Chen Kuo Section C October 1, 2011 at 12:44 pm #

    ” Hispanic students have started vanishing from Alabama public schools in the wake of a court ruling that upheld the state’s tough new law cracking down on illegal immigration.”

    • What is this about? Where does it take place?

    This article is about a new law in Alabama that requires all immigrants to show their proof of immigration otherwise they will be deemed illegal immigrants. This specific article talks about the movement of Hispanic students from their school because their parents fear tht they might be found illiegal.

    • How does this explain the connection between Conformity/individuality?

    It explains the connection between conformity and individuality because it talks about how Alabama is trying to crack down the states illegal/undocumented immigrants. In this case, Alabama would be a conformist because Arizona was one the other states to implement this law but in a more strict fashion. Alabama has probably copied Arizona because of fears or for other conditions.

    • What is your opinion about this article?

    I think that the government of Alabama is making a mistake in making this new law to check he immigration statuses of all Hispanic students that attend the schools of Alabama. After a few weeks or so, Alabama schools will see a record low atendance rate and other states will see a huge amount of people trying to move there because of the belief that they will be arrested if found that they were undocumented. The the federal government will put Alabama under huge pressure to change theier new law.

    • Kevin Zhang Section E October 2, 2011 at 12:29 pm #

      I agree with your idea because Alabama schools shouldn’t just allow their students leave just because of an immigration status. But, you also said that “Alabama schools will see a record low atendance rate and other states will see a huge amount of people trying to move there because of the belief that they will be arrested if found that they were undocumented” which is not the case. Alabama schools said that “In the case of this law, our students do not have anything to fear,’ Casey Wardynski said in halting Spanish. He urged families to send students to class and explained that the state is only trying to compile statistics.
      Police, he insisted, were not getting involved in schools.” It seems to me that Alabama schools don’t have a goal to prevent immigrates from attending their school but “The law does not ban anyone from school, they say, and neither students nor parents will be arrested for trying to get an education”. Along with this, Obama even sent a letter that quote “Rest assured,’ the letter states, ‘that it will not be a problem if you are unable or unwilling to provide either of the documents”.

      “In this case, Alabama would be a conformist because Arizona was one the other states to implement this law but in a more strict fashion”, can you prove that Arizona had something to do with the results of Alabama? Where did Arizona come from? It is most definitely not in this story or article.
      From my point of view, I do think that Alabama is the conformist because the state is trying to change the fact that they’re immigrants and the individual could be the immigrants, not Arizona and what not.

    • Jun You Zhao (Section E) October 3, 2011 at 2:30 pm #

      I agree with the idea that Alabama is being a conformist. It is true that Arizona came up with the law first, but I don’t think Alabama is using the law to see whether some Hispanic families were illegal immigrants.

      You said, “This specific article talks about the movement of Hispanic students from their school because their parents fear tht they might be found illiegal.” I agree that the parents fear that they might be found illegal, but in the article it clearly states that students that were enrolled before September 1st, doesn’t apply to the new law.

      You also said, “I think that the government of Alabama is making a mistake in making this new law to check he immigration statuses of all Hispanic students that attend the schools of Alabama.” I don’t think Alabama is making any mistakes with this new law. I think this because in the article, it says “In an attempt to ease suspicions that the law may lead to arrests, the letter tells parents immigration information will be used only to gather statistics.” So they are just using their immigration to gather statistics.

      The superintendent also urged families to send their children to school and that there is nothing to fear. So what I’m saying is that, if Alabama is making this new law just to get immigration statistics, I really don’t see what is there to worry about.

    • Julio Rodriguez October 3, 2011 at 11:31 pm #

      Julio Rodriguez, Section D
      October 3, 12:02 am.
      I agree with you on the aspect that the goverment of Albama is making a mistake in enforcing a law wich requires all hispanic students that attend a school in Alabama to have thier immigation statuse checked. Although you stated that “Alabam schools will see a record low attendence rate and other states will see a huge amount of people trying to move thier because of the belief that they will see a huge amount of people trying to move there because of the belief that they you were a bit unacurate with that information since it states in the article. That students will only be affected if they were enrolled after september 1. Also this law was inteded for first time enrollies, and not
      ment to be misinterpreded. since they said they would not deny anyone a right to thier education. Also I believe that the state of Alabama is will be arrested if they are found undocumented.” Im afraid to say that conformist since it say that Arizona was one f the first states to implemnet that law. I also belive that the way they worded the law seems to be unjust and stereo typical. since it is true that a majority of illegal immigrants are from hispanic descent. that does not mean that they are all hispanic. that law shoul of applyied to everyone not just hispanics. although im happy that barack obama is trying to theappealed i think it would be wiser if the fedral goverment carcked down in

  17. O'Neal Mclean Section A October 1, 2011 at 1:26 pm #

    “Commons Treasury Committee chairman Andrew Tyrie said the government was not doing enough to promote growth. He called for tax cuts for business and questioned government initiatives, such as the Big Society. Mr. Cameron said growth was vital and the government had an “incredibly active” growth strategy.”

    1. What is this about? Where does it take place?

    This article is about the UK Prime Minister and his thoughts on his government policies on the economic growth. Mr. Cameron talks about how he supports what the policies represent through his eyes. And how he tries his best to keep it that way. But from what he says in comparison of Andrew Tyrie I feel that what Mr. Cameron is saying is not his words. This is just so he could continue to keep his job like other politicians.

    2. How does this explaining the connection between Conformity/individuality?

    I feel like this shows how Mr. Cameron is a conformance because it seems like he’s just following what other people thinks. Like when Andrew Tyrie the commons Treasury Committee chairman explains what he thinks about it? It seem like Mr. Cameron is just repeating what Mr. Tyrie said to keep the people on his side so he can continue this job. Which is what most politicians always do which make them a bunch of conformance? Never really want to come up with their own kind of ideas to make the economy, nation, etc. better. They just take whatever is out there and say it like they were the ones who made it up. And in the end it will come back to bite them when re-elections come around.

    3. What is your opinion about this article?

    I think what Mr. Cameron is saying is a Bunch of BS. I mean the idea is not working at this point obviously, you try to keep the same ideas and try to cut taxes but it’s not working. Mr. Cameron needs to stop trying on one idea and come up with a better one. Or in the end he will be of no good to the UK and they will vote him out. Which normal if people want to see a real change in the nation.

  18. Victoria Fortune, Section A October 1, 2011 at 2:23 pm #

    “I felt I had to do it… like a friend would say to me ‘Just do it’ and stuff like that.”

    What is this about? Where does it take place?
    How does this explaining the connection between Conformity/individuality?
    What is your opinion about this article?

    1. “Partner Abuse ‘normal’, say vulnerable teens” is abuse ever to be considered normal?This article is about teenage relationships and how many of them are abusive. It deals with the relationships of teens from the ages of 13 to 18. Over 80 teenagers were interviewed about their past relationships. Most of the answers to the questions were negative, saying that at least one relationship that they have had was abusive. Some of the teens interviewed even said that what their boyfriends or girlfriends were doing was normal.

    2. The teens that were interviewed on this topic of abuse replied mostly with being forced to do things that they didn’t want to, but going along with it anyways. Or doing it because their friends said to, or they were even doing it themselves. That would be considered conformity because they did it or are doing it because there friends are and they want to be normal. One girl that was interviewed stood up for herself and said something to her boyfriend. “Seriously get off, I don’t like want to,” is what Ellie said to her boyfriend and her boyfriend stopped. Therefore making her an individual by standing up for herself and not doing something because she wanted to be like everyone else.

    3. I disagree with what the teenagers in this article are saying. “…young people’s beliefs that this abuse is a normal part of teenage relationships.” This belief is outrageous. They think that it is normal for someone to hit you, push you, or rape you. That is not normal in a relationship at all. There are consequences to those actions, and if you deserve to be punished then it is most likely not a normal thing to do. I do agree with the article though. This article is true, but most people don’t think much of it. It’s something that more people should pay attention to. It’s abuse, it’s harsh, and you can’t ignore that fact.

  19. Amanda Fontaine: Section C October 1, 2011 at 2:44 pm #

    “Just love yourself and you’re set. … It gets better.”


    1. “All you have to do is hold your head up and you’ll go far.” Jamey, a former Buffalo junior high school student, had made a video encouraging other gay teens to stay positive in the face of bullying. This article is about a fourteen-year-old boy, Jamey Rodemeyer, who took a stand against GLBTQ bulling. Jamey was a victim of bullying because he was bisexual. “Just love yourself and you’re set. … It gets better.” But Jamey’s love wasn’t strong enough and sadly the week of September 21, 2011 his parents announced that their son was found dead in an apparent as a result of suicide.

    2. Jamey Rodemeyer is both an Individual and a Conformist. Jamey is an individual because unlike many other people at Jamey’s age, he took a stand against bullying. Jamey was tormented about being gay since 5th grade and has finally come out to tell everyone that it does get better. Jamey says that he always got made fun of and he because all his friends were girls. He felt like he could never escape… he received a lot of hate mail telling him that gay people all go to hell… but when he finally came out he got so much support he finally felt secure. Lady Gaga is one of the people he looks up to the most and he advices everyone to listen to her advice. “I’m beautiful in my way. ‘Cause God makes no mistakes. I’m on the right track baby, I was born this way.” Jamey is a conformist because he gave in to the pressure of society. Jamey is a hero to many people, they looked up to him but by killing him self he has turned his back to everything he said. Jamey said, “It does get better… I Promise” but that was all a lie. Even with all the help and support it just wasn’t enough. Jamey gave into society and conformed by killing him self, as many people told him that gay people should do. If this is hard to understand think of it in the sense of Lady Gaga. She preaches in all her song that “No matter gay, straight, or bi, lesbian, transgender life” you were born this way and there is nothing wrong with you. Just think how many people would die if Lady Gaga killed herself… she is an advocate for GLBTQ people.
    3. I don’t think he should not have killed him self the whole point of making the video was to give hope and confidence to other people in his situation. He said that it would get better. But when I found out he committed suicide it clearly didn’t get any better. Jamey is a hypocrite. He lied to every gay person in the world that saw his video. I can understand if he had a change in opinion but the whole point of life is to live. We have one life to live and in my opinion we should live it up.

  20. Amanda Fontaine Section: C October 1, 2011 at 2:48 pm #

    “Just love yourself and you’re set. … It gets better.”


    1. “All you have to do is hold your head up and you’ll go far.” Jamey, a former Buffalo junior high school student, had made a video encouraging other gay teens to stay positive in the face of bullying. This article is about a fourteen-year-old boy, Jamey Rodemeyer, who took a stand against GLBTQ bulling. Jamey was a victim of bullying because he was bisexual. “Just love yourself and you’re set. … It gets better.” But Jamey’s love wasn’t strong enough and sadly the week of September 21, 2011 his parents announced that their son was found dead in an apparent as a result of suicide.
    2. Jamey Rodemeyer is both an Individual and a Conformist. Jamey is an individual because unlike many other people at Jamey’s age, he took a stand against bullying. Jamey was tormented about being gay since 5th grade and has finally come out to tell everyone that it does get better. Jamey says that he always got made fun of and he because all his friends were girls. He felt like he could never escape… he received a lot of hate mail telling him that gay people all go to hell… but when he finally came out he got so much support he finally felt secure. Lady Gaga is one of the people he looks up to the most and he advices everyone to listen to her advice. “I’m beautiful in my way. ‘Cause God makes no mistakes. I’m on the right track baby, I was born this way.” Jamey is a conformist because he gave in to the pressure of society. Jamey is a hero to many people, they looked up to him but by killing him self he has turned his back to everything he said. Jamey said, “It does get better… I Promise” but that was all a lie. Even with all the help and support it just wasn’t enough. Jamey gave into society and conformed by killing him self, as many people told him that gay people should do. If this is hard to understand think of it in the sense of Lady Gaga. She preaches in all her song that “No matter gay, straight, or bi, lesbian, transgender life” you were born this way and there is nothing wrong with you. Just think how many people would die if Lady Gaga killed herself… she is an advocate for GLBTQ people.
    3. I don’t think he should not have killed him self the whole point of making the video was to give hope and confidence to other people in his situation. He said that it would get better. But when I found out he committed suicide it clearly didn’t get any better. Jamey is a hypocrite. He lied to every gay person in the world that saw his video. I can understand if he had a change in opinion but the whole point of life is to live. We have one life to live and in my opinion we should live it up.

  21. Melissa Shaughnessey October 1, 2011 at 3:16 pm #

    Melissa Shaughnessey Section C

    “I no longer lay in bed thinking that my weight is just too much to overcome,” Justin says. “I enjoy being out with family and friends and having a good time.”

    1)•What is this about? Where does it take place?
    ~ This article is about a young father, Justin Boyles, who was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and is obese weighing in at 385 pounds. His daughter is worried about his health and is upset
    he is no longer able to get out of bed and play with her. This takes place in Duncan, Oklahoma.

    2) •How does this explaining the connection between Conformity/individuality
    ~ I think this relates to conformity more than individuality. In our society everyone is pressured to look a certain way. If your not stick skinny somehow people think that your ugly and you don’t look the way you should. People in our society are pressured by others too look that way so that they can fit in. Justin is conforming to how society wants people to look. Also he is conforming to how his daughter wants him to be, healthy and skinny, “Daddy, are you ever going to be healthy enough to ride a bike with me?” I think that Justin wants to be healthy and be himself. It’s more important to be healthy than to be skinny.

    3)•What is your opinion about this article?
    ~ I think this article is interesting. I think its great that Justin changed his life so he could be healthy and live a longer life with his daughter. It is moving to see how a father’s love and commitment to his daughter caused him to make a life long decision. She forced him to see how important it was to be there for his family. I can relate to this article because as a young teenager the media constantly bombards us with images of beautiful skinny models, and telling us that
    this is the ideal look. In doing so many young teens suffer from eating disorders and are preoccupied by his or her weight. Being healthy should be the most important thing. Pinky promises may go a long way in life.

  22. Justin DeMarco October 1, 2011 at 4:52 pm #

    1. This is a story about a boy who is obsessed with Super Mario and then got in trouble for wearing a shirt that his middle school said was inappropriate and broke school rules. The story takes place in Milwaukie, Oregon.

    2. I think this related to individuality because the boy was only trying to wear a t-shirt that he thought was cool but he wasn’t able to wear it because his middle school said that it was inappropriate. This could be compared to being oppressed because the boy can not be himself because his school will not allow him to wear something based on what they interpret the shirt to mean.

    3. I don’t think this is right because the boy understood the shirt to be talking about Mario collecting mushrooms in the video game to get powers. His school interpreted it as being drug related. I would be sad and if that happened to me, because it is not like he was trying to do something bad or sending the wrong message. This poor little boy couldn’t wear that shirt because people dont like seeing people being individual instead they want everyone to conform to do what they want people to do.

  23. Pharedy Berret SEC:A October 1, 2011 at 6:10 pm #

    What is this about? Where does it take place?
    This article is about a strong woman; Wangari Maathai who passed away while having treatment for ovarian cancer (September 26, 2011)at the age of 71. She is helped clean our planet, especially practice that in Africa . This took place in Kenya.
    How does this explaining the connection between Conformity/individuality?
    This explains the connection between conformity and individuality because it shows how Wangari is going to be remembered for trying to help save this planet, and fight for women’s rights and democracy. She had to conform to society and the environment, to see the problems of the world. She had to read the facts of the world, and experienced them. Then she became an individual by planting trees in Africa, fighting for women rights, campaigning in other parts of the world; Japan.
    What is your opinion about this article?
    My opinion about the article is that it is an inspiration of how conformity is part of the process of being an individual. She is none for who she is because she listened to the world then took action. Also watching the videos made me realize that, before becoming an individual, you first have to conform into this world to become who you want to set out to be.
    QOUTE: “He added: ‘Prof. Wangari Maathai brought meaning to the words peace and environment. She made the world understand that water, trees, and protection of the environment helps us achieve real peace.’He continued: ‘She was deserving of the Nobel Peace Prize because she taught all of us the importance of respecting our planet and each other. Her passion, dedication and focus became a beacon to be emulated by millions.’”

  24. Imani Holloman sec. C October 1, 2011 at 6:40 pm #
    1. This takes place is in Vacaville, California. A teacher deducts 25% of a students grade for saying “bless you”. “He claims that the phrase is disrespectful…” How is this phrase disrespectful? Teacher Steve Cuckovich feels that is the pgrase doenst make any sense and is a waste of time. I feel that it isnt affecting anyone negativly.
    2. Teacher Steve Cuckovich shows indivuality because NO ONE else has done this before. Well i,ve never heard about a teacher doing this in my life. Also, Cuckovich stands out because he is going against what people used to believe in the older days. But it also show’s conformity becasue eventually he stoped the practice. If he felt that saying “bless you” was innapropriate then he should have stucked to that but he didnt he listen to what other people were saying about him so deciced to stop the practice.
    3. My opinion of this article was this it was ridiculous! Cuckovich was wrong for subtracting points because another student wanted to be respectful and say “bless you”.

  25. Cathy Tran section A October 1, 2011 at 6:51 pm #

    “We’re going to keep on fighting until his name is finally cleared and Georgia admits what it has done,” Jealous said. “We’re going to keep on fighting until the death penalty is abolished and this can never be done to anyone else.”


    1)What is this about? Where does it take place?

    This article is about a man named Troy Davis who was “wrongly” executed on September 21,2011 in Savannah, Georgia. He spent 20 years claiming for his innocence because he was tried and convicted for Mark MacPhail’s murder and sent to death sentence in 1991. Davis, his family and millions of supporters believed that the jury convicted the wrong man. His case was “battled” in many courtrooms, but in the end he lost all his appeals.

    *( Mark MacPhail was shot in a burger king parking lot in 1989.)

    2)How does this explaining the connection between Conformity/individuality?

    This explains the connection between conformity and individuality because innocent people are getting death penalties for things they didn’t do. Davis is an individual because he spent 20 years of his life to claim his innocence,(even though he didn’t get it.) As an individual, he had the right to do that, the right to fight for his innocence. To me the jurys/witnesses are the conformists. I also believe that racism is involved in this case. (Troy was a black man, and Mark was a white man). Witnesses were on MacPhail’s side. They said they saw Davis shot him. Well would you believe it if you knew the white officer was shot while this innocent black man happen to be on the scene at the wrong time? As a society, you believe what other people believe. In this case, the colored man is the bad guy while the white guy is innocent. It could have been anybody. The Jury believed the witnesses and gave Davis a death sentence for something he didn’t do. Society believes that guiltily charged people should be banished from this world, to prevent them from repeating history.

    “Jesus was killed on the cross, not because he was guilty, but because we are.”

    3)What is your opinion about this article?

    I feel that it is wrong that Georgia still allow death penalties. I don’t think that Davis would have murdered someone because :

    “Davis-Correia, born prematurely, said his uncle Troy was afraid to hold him when he was first born. He weighed only 3 pounds, 8 ounces..
    “He thought he would break me,” Davis-Correia said.”

    I’m pretty sure that if he was afraid to accidentally “break” a premature baby, then he wouldn’t be capable holding a gun and shooting someone in the head.

    I feel very happy that his friends and family are still fighting for his innocence (to clear off his name) and to prevent other innocent people from getting death penalties/ going through what he did.

  26. Amtooj Giran Section C October 1, 2011 at 7:18 pm #

    Amtooj Giran Section A “There’s something very special about being the world’s tallest building. Everyone wants to be able to do one. I think in this situation there is a development going around the tower — a $29 billion development — and this tower acts as a catalyst for that development”

    – Adrian Smith (Architect of Kingdom Tower)

    What is this about? Where does it take place?
    This article is about the building of the world’s tallest structure yet to be made, The Kingdom Tower. The article is based from an interview with Adrian Smith, the architect of the tower. He talks about the major influences of the tower itself and how it will set an example to the world’s endless limits. The interview took place on August 2nd 2011 01:56 PM ET over the phone from the Huffington post in New York City with Adrian Smith who was in Saudi Arabia at the time.

    How does this explain the connection between Conformity/individuality?

    The tower itself is an example of both conformity and individuality. The tower conforms to society’s wishes and that is being the biggest tower in the world. Everyone in the process of the tower’s construction is a conformist doing what society wants them to do and that is being the tallest tower in the world. “There’s something very special about being the world’s tallest building. Everyone wants to be able to do one. I think in this situation there is a development going around the tower — a $29 billion development — and this tower acts as a catalyst for that development. Putting such a tall tower in first actually increases the land value around the tower, so even if you don’t make a lot of money on the tower itself you’ll make money on the land.” This helps the growth of economy and profits for everyone in the surrounding area of the tower. The tower benefits everyone and matches their beliefs thus the builders and architect of the tower beings conformists. The Tower and everyone affiliated with it’s making are individuals because it’s the tallest building in the world and is in its own category.
    “Well, New York is a very expensive place to build. In the Middle East you have very inexpensive labor and they work three shifts, so they keep going all around the clock. That helps keep the cost of construction low here. But it’s comparable to Chicago, and other parts of the U.S.” The Tower takes less money to build and its individuality is that it’s the tallest and the most complex out of any tower made.

    What is your opinion about this article?

    I think this article was one of the best examples of individuality and conformity. Many people don’t know about the kingdom tower yet, But when they do people will anticipate nothing like before. The article is a “trailer” to the pinnacle of the world. It tells us many things about what we can achieve.

  27. Kristin K Section C October 1, 2011 at 8:08 pm #

    “Nearly every day, Terri Shaver comes face to face with cancer and can’t help but think about her life and how short it could be.”


    1.) What is this about? Where does it take place?

    This article is about a campaign to help current cancer patients and survivors take photographs to help them feel beautiful and better about themselves. It helps women realize that they’re not alone and they are beautiful just the way they are. Even men also take part. This project (The Oldham Project) takes place all around the country, but the photographer hails from Michigan.

    2.) How does this explain the connection between Conformity/individuality?

    This explains both conformity and individuality. It explains individuality by showing how each patient feels about beauty. Each woman has a free portrait to express themselves to represent their unique feelings on their disease as well. Also, this shows conformity by implying that society’s idea of beautiful does not include no hair. This problem is why the creator of the project chose to do this. Each person is beautiful in their own way and should embrace it, no matter what anyone might think.

    3.)What is your opinion about this article?

    I feel that this is a great way to help the women. Since they have gone through so much, they deserve to feel absolutely beautiful. I also find it very touching that someone would love to reach out to raise these women’s confidence. Many of these patients don’t live through their battle, so this would help raise their spirits.

  28. Kevin Builes Section A. October 1, 2011 at 9:25 pm #

    1.) What is about? Where does it take place?

    In this article it talks about how an unmanned military plane called DARPA made by the U.S. military crashed in the Pacific Ocean after running for 3 minutes. The vehicle (DARPA) is the fastest plane ever made in history. It is able to reach an incredible speed of Mach 20 or 20 times the speed of sound. The test took place over the Pacific Ocean.

    2.) How does this explain the connection between Conformity/individuality?

    This article shows both conformity and individuality in my opinion. I think that this shows conformity because the United States of America is said to be the most powerful country in the world. When they create vehicles like this plane, it’s to compete with other super powers of the world. The military wouldn’t be making announcements if there wasn’t anyone to compete with and if they didn’t want anyone else to know. I also think that this shows individuality because if another country went and tried to duplicate the plane, they would most likely not be able to. The United States shows individuality when they create new and different technology that gives them a lead over other countries.

    3.) What is your opinion about this article?

    I think that this article is very interesting. I think that this is interesting because its seems that every time a country comes close to competing with the united states military wise, the united states are always one step ahead of the rest. This then leads me to wonder what else the United States has hidden. There had been many secret vehicles like the SLR-71, B-2 Bomber and the stealth helicopter that the Navy Seals were able to use to kill the most wanted man in the world Osama bin laden that were released as an advantage. You really never know what is possible considering the great achievements that man is capable of.

    • Yusuf Osman (Section E) October 3, 2011 at 6:57 pm #

      You say this shows both conformity and individuality, when you had contradicted yourself because it shows the competition between a war on technology and power creating even more problems in the word. Power is what everyone wants in this world and this term shows it in your opinion of this article and Power is used to make conformity.
      I fear this new technology can make a crucial impact on the recent failures which can go out of control of the scientist control and may hot someplace or someone. Good point about how the United States has the most power though creating a conformity between powers. It says “The HTV-2 experienced some sort of anomaly…” and if the United States can’t create a proper working machine, then maybe the U.S’s rivals Japan, China etc. could and would represent to the United Nation that this country is weak.You saying they created this airplane and not saying it didn’t have any failures prove of lack of reading, but it having failures could increase the signs of conformity because most countries fail at making a perfect subject the first time and they go back to the drawing board and fix the problem. This weapon are used for mass destruction and the conformity it adds to it is that this power can add to the adversity of the innocent people going through this struggle of a new plane/ weapon decreases the individuality which creates no peace between people.

    • Brian McCarthy section e October 3, 2011 at 7:22 pm #

      Kevin I agree with you a little when you say that the United States conforms by basically competing and saying that they only build these amazing weapons because they need to have better technology at all times. I also agree that they wouldn’t announce these types of things if there wasn’t a war going on because there would be nobody to compete with. But since we are in a war they are being individuals because nobody else in the world has nearly as close to as much advanced planes/tanks technology etc. I also agree that no other country would be able to make something of that sort because our governmental technology is way more advanced than any other country in the world.

      • Tewahedo Haimanot Section F October 5, 2011 at 6:45 pm #

        Brian McCarthy your comment “But since we are in a war they are being individuals because nobody else in the world has nearly as close to as much advanced planes/tanks technology etc” makes no sense. They are are being more conformist by trying to stand out with their “Technology”. By saying also that ” that no other country would be able to make something of that sort because our governmental technology is way more advanced than any other country in the world” proves my point. United states wants to separate from every single place from the world.. All they want is attention. People/Celebrities in society today do something that nobody can think of JUST so people think there cool. The USA just wants the world to know that there above everybody in the world, making all these weapons and stuff. I do not agree with Kevin though, when he said the USA is the most powerful country and there showing off because they wouldn’t be if there wasn’t any other powerful place in the world. Why do you have to show off? I mean since its so highly said United States is powerful, why show all these people that your powerful? Its because there mostly conformist. Everybody now a days want to be in the military so they do it for there country. By no means am i saying thats bad, im just saying some people might be doing it so they can be individuals. I think some people might be joining because they think its “cool” or its good to represent your place. One of Ms Gentile’s quotes on her class is ” Real Integrity is doing the right thing, where there people are watching or not” (Oprah ) . So if people truly wanted to represent the United States, they wouldn’t throw there bag of chips on the floor. They wouldn’t make fun of kids from other places. I believe the people in the military who do it because they want to by themselves, show true individuality and their there good people. The people that just follow them, just conformist people trying to “fit in “… Real Integrity is from the heart.

  29. Alexis Assad Section C October 1, 2011 at 10:02 pm #
    What is this about? Where does it take place?
    This article mainly takes place at the white house and Iran. It is about a man getting convicted and the possible death penalty for refusing to declare his Christian faith. As the Iranian Pastor, he believes that he has never been a Muslim as an adult, but the court is ruling him to withdraw his beliefs in Jesus.

    “Pastor Nadarkhani has done nothing more than maintain his devout faith, which is a universal right for all people”
    Pastor Nadarkhani is an individual. In and outside of court, he refuses to give up his faith in who he believes in, no matter what the cost is. This resulted in him being put to the death penalty which is ridiculous. Every individual should have the right to believe in whomever they want without being killed for it.
    In this case, Iran is to be placed under conformity.
    They not only killed this man because they wanted to,
    they killed him because they’re behavior has to be in accordance with socially accepted standards with Iran

  30. Amy Chung Section C October 1, 2011 at 11:11 pm #

    17-year-old student dies after stabbing during high school lunch break


    1.) What is this about? Where does it take place?

    This article was about a 17 year old girl getting stabbed to death by her 18 year old boyfriend. It all started with an argument and ended with someone dead. This happened during lunch breaks in a Southern California High School on Friday, September 30, 2011 to Saturday, October 1, 2011.

    2.) How does this explaining the connection between Conformity/individuality?

    I would consider the boy that killed the girl an individual because he killed someone without a good reason. He went too far and killed his ‘girlfriend’, and i think that makes him an individual because a lot of people have arguments but barely anybody gets killed. If everyone killed each other after an argument than nobody would be alive by now. Also, some/most people wouldn’t do this because nobody deserves to have their life taken away by anyone. When he punched her and pushed her to the ground, that should have been enough pain for her to suffer through but instead he stabs her to death. After finding out that she was dead, he announces that he has set out bombs in her family’s properties (house, car, and etc.). I think the bomb thing made him a conformist because he probably wanted to say that just to get the society paranoid but it was all just a lie. This article made the 18 year old an individual and a conformist.

    3.) What is your opinion about this article?

    I thought the 18 year old was dumb for doing this because it was just a relationship and everyone has arguments all the time. In my opinion, the guy in the article made a bad decision because he took away someone’s life and he is wasting time in his life by going to jail. It’s just like when someone cheats on a test, they get caught, get in trouble, and fails. So everyone should make smart decisions so they don’t have any regrets and so you don’t need to suffer the consequences

    • Deandre Wright Section E October 2, 2011 at 2:26 pm #

      I disagree with what you said about the guy that killed his girlfriend being an individual. In my opinion he is a conformist. I think he is a conformist because what he did was not very original, most arguments like that usually end in violence. “After finding out that she was dead, he announces that he has set out bombs in her family’s properties (house, car, and etc.) ” This is false because in the article it said that he had “placed explosives at a hospital parking structure and several other locations.” The article never said anything about him placing bombs at her family’s properties. I agree with your opinion of the guy because he didn’t have to kill his girlfriend, he could have just broken up with her.

    • Kevin Zhang Section E October 2, 2011 at 6:16 pm #

      I disagree that the boy was an individual just because “he killed someone without a good reason”. If that were true, would every person that killed someone be considered individual right off the bat? No, because individuality is when you’re the only one that takes a stand alone. So, no, I disagree that the boy would be considered the individual. What’s confusing is when you said “if everyone killed each other after an argument than nobody would be alive by now. Also, some/most people wouldn’t do this because nobody deserves to have their life taken away by anyone”, did you mean that the ones that don’t kill anyone wouldn’t be considered as individual? If that’s the point, your saying that killing is a part/step towards individuality. Great, let me test it out.

      “I think the bomb thing made him a conformist because he probably wanted to say that just to get the society paranoid but it was all just a lie”. How would I expect this? Oh right, that’s not the definition of conformity because it means to change yourself to what other people finds fitting to be normal. Planting a bomb and what not doesn’t make you a conformist at all. In my opinion, I don’t see anyone changing to what other people find fit. This means that I can’t find any evidence of any conformity.

      • Joseph Pham Section F October 4, 2011 at 11:32 pm #

        Kevin, I agree strongly with you that the man isn’t an individual or conformist. You said, “If that were true, would every person that killed someone be considered individual right off the bat? No, because individuality is when you’re the only one that takes a stand alone,” and I strongly agree because there’s been so many instances where someone was assaulted/murdered over a “dating relationship.” So because the murder was over a dating relationship and it was simply a stabbing, this doesn’t make the man an individual since he isn’t really standing out and doing something different.

        However, I disagree with you on how the man isn’t a conformist. Conformity isn’t just “to change yourself to what other people finds fitting to be normal.” Conformity can also be the actions of a person that’s influenced by a society that a person is in. In this case, the man falls under the society of “people who (would) cause harm to someone over an issue that could’ve been solved verbally,” which has a different mindset than most societies. In this particular society that the man is apart of, it’s common to claim that they “…had placed explosives at a hospital parking structure and several other locations…” because they have hatred towards something/someone. However, the claim was just a claim, and there was no evidence to prove that he had really planted explosives. Just think about how much of a cliché it is to claim you’ve placed explosives somewhere because you have hatred towards someone/something. So, basically, the man is a conformist because he did what was expected of his society and falsely claimed he had placed explosives after he had been caught.

  31. Jack Castor October 1, 2011 at 11:13 pm #

    This story is how about 700 protesters were arrested for showing their opinions.

  32. Alexander Li Section A October 2, 2011 at 10:56 am #

    “We are done with the protesting phase,” said a 21-year-old engineering student here who spoke on the condition of anonymity for fear of reprisal. “We’ve now entered a more important phase.”

    1. What is this about? Where does it take place?

    This article is about the uprising of citizens in Homs, Syria. Their reason to do so is because of their want for a better government, for they have had to deal with a dictatorial government.

    2. How does this explain the connection between Conformity/individuality?

    This article helps to explain the connection between conformity and individuality because the protesters are fighting against their government. The government is a common form of conformity in a society, but the one in Homs, Syria is even more so, for they have a dictatorial government: “…both the government and the opposition ready themselves for a protracted struggle over the endurance of a four-decade dictatorship.” Even more cause for its residents to fight for their individuality.

    3. What is your opinion about this article?

    I feel that this article is actually quite newsworthy, because it sounds as though it’s going to lead to something much larger: “Unlike the uprising’s early days, when the government exercised a near monopoly on violence, fear is beginning to spread in the other direction, as insurgents kill government supporters and informers, residents say.” From this quote, people can safely assume that the protesters are going to resort to extreme measures in a few months, maybe even just a few days! Though what the Syrians are doing are a bit drastic, I feel that those actions are justified, since they ARE trying to put an end to their dictatorship. So, yes, I think that what they are doing is right.

  33. Amelia Carlson, Section C October 2, 2011 at 11:09 am #

    Kanye West is not a run of the mill celebrity fashion designer

    1.What is this about? Where does it take place?
    This is about Kanye West and his new fashion line. It takes place in a high school, in southern Paris, France. Kanye West designed his own fashion line, and all of these celebrities came and loved it. Like Ciara, the Olsen twins, and a designer named Alexander Wang.

    2.How does this explaining the connection between Conformity/individuality?
    This explains the connection between conformity and individuality because, Kanye West has just started a clothing design. All of the celebrities now have their own perfume, or clothing line. At one point or another, all celebrities will produce something with their name on it that they can make more money off of. He is conforming to what the other celebrities are doing. But it does say in the article that he has his own twist in his collection, “Sure, West didn’t reinvent the wheel: You could see the influence of established designers — many of shows he frequented over the years. There was a bit of Balmain in the short, sex-drenched dresses and some Givenchy in the gothic, bondage-y leather jackets and skirts, for example. But luxed-up streetwear elements, like hooded jackets made in a mosaic of crocodile skins, gave the collection a unique voice of its own.” This tells me he made some pieces to be similiar to others(conforming), but gave a little twist of his own(individuality).

    3.What is your opinion about this article?
    My opinion is that celebrities should stop making clothing lines, it is a good idea if your actually a fashion designer, but more than half of these celebrities are not. They don’t know what they are doing. Others probably create the outfits, they just pick the ones they like.

  34. Jill Starkey Section C October 2, 2011 at 12:09 pm #

    1.) What is this about? Where does it take place?

    This is about people protesting against banks so that they can stay in their houses and keep their families having a roof over there head. They believe the banks are wrong for their foreclosure procedures. This took place in Dorchester.

    2.) How does this explaining the connection between Conformity/individuality?

    This explains the connection between conformity and individuality because they go against the banks and protest against the banks which makes them all individuals because they are protesting and doing what they believe is right. They all conform to help out people who are being brought to foreclosure who shouldn’t be. Police arresting two dozen protesters because they trespassed illegally.

    3.) What is your opinion about this article?

    I thought it was nice that they all came together to do what they believed was right so people had homes for their families. I don’t think it was right that they trespassed illegally though because that just ended up getting them in trouble with the law and a lot of people got arrested because of it.

  35. Niko Qirici Sec:A October 2, 2011 at 12:38 pm #


    1. What is this about? Where does it take place?

    This is about a pastor (Bishop Harry Jackson) at Hope Christian Church who decided to give his thoughts about the economy and the way to fix it once again. He believes that by sharing and saving people might actually pull out of this crysis. Many other pastors agreed with him but decided not speak up because they might lose their support from people.This took place in Beltsville, Maryland in october 1st.

    2. How does this explain the connection between conformity and individuality.

    I think that the pastor is an individual because he decided to speak up in what he thought was right and he didn’t care if people agreed or not. Also he was pretty courageous because he might have lost his support from others. Also what makes him an individual is that he has supporters but they dont want to express their ideas because they might loose support. Also if no one ever spoke up or shared their ideas society wouldn’t advance and we would all be primitive in ideas,culture and economy. ” Too many pastors opt for offering pulpit platitudes because they are afraid parishioners will stop giving money if they hear teachings against greed” said Rev. Robin R. Meyers this shows how many other pastors see the ideas of pastor Harry Jackson and what they believe might happen and how people might react. I think that the other pastors fit in conformity because they all have a almost similiar idea about what Harry Jackson is saying that people might start to blame them and that they might lose support from the majority. They are also conformists because they really care about what happens but they have no way of explaining it to the everyday person who might take it the wrong way.
    3. What is my opinion about this article?
    I dont really agree with the pastor but I do like the courage he showed in this time of crysis and I also like how he didnt realyy for others opinions. What i dont agree of with him is his idea of people saving and not buying because if you dont buy things from the econmy nothing will change. What i actually agree with is the idea of sharing and being greedy because we all need helpin one way or the other. I think that hes gone loose some support from people because they have no one to blame at thi time and hes the only one speaking out.

  36. Michael Mannion October 2, 2011 at 12:44 pm #

    What is this about? Where does it take place?

    This is about a bunch of gunmen that carryed machetes around a village in northwest Nigeria and shooting anybody that came out of their house to greet them. This happened on October 2, 2011.

    How does this explain the connection between individuality and conformity?

    This explains the connection because these people wanted to show everybody that they were individuals and that they didn’t follow everybody else. So they decided that it was okay for them to go to a small village and shoot anybody that came out to see what was going on. I would say that these people are individuals because they did what most people would never think of doing.

    What is your opinion about the article?

    I think that it was stupid that these people did this to that innocent village because now people are searching for them over something that they just thought would be fun to do. Why would they do this? They also stole many valuable items from the homes and 19 people were killed and 7 others wre wounded.

  37. Joshua Morad October 2, 2011 at 1:00 pm #

    This article is about a town called Barga in Italy, 9/30/11.

    The town that seems to conform to the rest of Italy has individuality of its own in its people. The people have strong Scottish roots and stick by them, because their culture is what makes them individuals. They choose not to conform to the customs of Italy, but instead live their lives as they wish. Whether with a strong drink or an old song, these people are individuals in their own expressive ways.

    I look fondly on this lifestyle, for I always loved the out of place and unique. I think we can learn from these people; no matter where we are, we should never forget who we really are.

  38. Josalyn Santangelo Section A October 2, 2011 at 1:57 pm #

    1) What is this about? Where does it take place?
    This article is about multiple academies’ decision to ban the skirt from the school uniform selections. The happenings of these bans are scattered all through The United Kingdom.

    2) How does this explaining the connection between Conformity/individuality?
    Parents and principals alike are accusing the uniform choice as a leading suspect to the growing sex appeal in schools. “’Skirts are becoming a symbol of sex in the West. I think their move is justified but here, the problem is not only the length but also the low waists and the sloppiness in the way the uniform is worn,’ says Jyoti Bose, principal of the school’s Dhaula Kuan branch.” But, the other party contradicts the skirts, claiming they add a feel of individuality, style, and comfort to the students. The ban of skirts in the schools are making the girls appear less individual and more conformed to how other people want to see them. Limiting the possibilities a student can wear to school can crush the student inside-out. Not being able to express yourself can really break through a person’s wall of guard. In my opinion, I would not ban skirts from any high schools, instead making a required length of them.

    3) What is your opinion about this article?
    It was very surprising that British schools are making that decision to ban skirts. I personally loved wearing skirts as part of the uniform at my previous Catholic school. Skirts give girls the sense of femininity. The khakis are a very masculine article of clothing and I never wore them out of disgust and lack of comfort. But, skirts can be more revealing than khakis, in which some girls may be insecure about their legs and uncomfortable that they have to show them. Overall, it’s a very good debatable topic and an amusing article.

  39. Nicholas Davis Section A October 2, 2011 at 4:08 pm #

    What is this about? Where did it take place?
    -This article is about a boy named Jeremiah from Small town in Minnesota. He was a small, Shy boy who didn’t have many friends. All thoroughout high school he was being bullied for his size and the fact that he wasn’t like the other kids at his Minnesota High School. So, “He wrote pages about being bullied, how it made him feel like a loser. He had no self esteem,” his mom said. His mom went to talk to the school about her son and all they said was he had to stick up for himself and fight back. This attempt to stop the bullying didn’t help. So one day “When he was walking out, one of his tormentors whispered, ‘I’m going to kill you.’ So after that, he quit school and got his GED,” she said. So three years later he bought a gun and killed himself in his familiy’s garage. He said in his death note thaty he was going to a place where the world isn’t so cruel and violent

    How does this explain the connection between Individuality vs Conformity?
    -This connects between conformity and individuality because Jeremiah was being was trying to be an individual but his community at school wouldn’t let him so he had to conform but when he couldn’t conform to what society wanted him to be he killed himself. He did that so he din’t have to go through the pain of trying to conform.

    What is your opinion about this article?
    -My opinion on this article is that it was very informative on what teenagers go through when they are severly bullied. Also I thought that what his mother did starting the Jeremiah’s Hope fund was really great and it shows that she does care about her son’s death. I think that is the worst possible feeling, having to bury your child when he/she should be burying you. I hope my parents never have to go through that feeling.

    • David Rodriguez October 3, 2011 at 7:45 pm #

      I agree with mostly everything that you stated about this tragic story. I agree when you said,”Jeremiah was being was trying to be an individual but his community at school wouldn’t let him so he had to conform but when he couldn’t conform to what society wanted him to be he killed himself.” I also think that Jeremiah tried to be an individual, but he couldn’t handle being bullied and tortured everyday. Jeremiah could not even fight back since he had no self esteem. I also agree that Jeremiah soon made an attempt to conform to what society wanted. It seems like his mother was the only person trying to stick up and fight for her son. “His mom went to talk to the school about her son and all they said was he had to stick up for himself and fight back.” When i read this and saw that all the school had to say to his mother was that he had to “stick up for himself and fight back,” I thought that was the least that the school could do or say about this situation. These reasons may have led Jeremiah to try to conform. Jeremiah felt that he couldn’t be what society wanted him to be, therefore he killed himself. I agree when Nick says that Jeremiah killed himself so he didn’t have to go through the pain of conforming.

      No body wants to see or hear about a teen age boy/ girl committing suicide over bullying or anything really. It’s sickening knowing that boys and girls all over the world go through situations like this everyday, when they want to kill themselves because society refuses to accept who they are. I also agree with what Nick said about Jeremiahs mother starting a hope fund. I felt this was really a great thing and it shows how much she loves and misses her son.

      • Khalil Howe October 6, 2011 at 7:54 pm #

        David, I disagree with almost everything you said. I disagree with you when you said “I agree when you said,” Jeremiah was being was trying to be an individual but his community at school wouldn’t let him so he had to conform but when he couldn’t conform to what society wanted him to be he killed himself.”” because I don’t think he was trying to be an individual, he was just a normal kid. They probably just picked on him because he was normal and he turned into an individual eventually from being bullied.
        I also disagree with you when you said “I also agree that Jeremiah soon made an attempt to conform to what society wanted. It seems like his mother was the only person trying to stick up and fight for her son.” There was no evidence what so ever claiming he was conforming. Last time I checked, normal people don’t go shooting themselves in the head. After he did this, I he turned into an individual in my opinion. Plus the mom didn’t stick up for him in my opinion. When the son complained she just transferred schools. And when it happened again and she went to the schools, she just let them say he needs to stand up for himself more. If that was my child, I would take it to court or not take that for an answer.

      • msgentile October 11, 2011 at 3:06 pm #

        Please know that this post is LATE and you know my policy on late work.

  40. Jianjie Liu Section A October 2, 2011 at 4:18 pm #

    • What is this about? Where does it take place?
    “Across millions of acres, the pines of the northern and central Rockies are dying, just one among many types of forests that are showing signs of distress these days.”
    This article is a report of worldwide devastation of forests happen within the past few years and over millions of acres of forests are destroyed. The locations were broadly covered over the world and almost all of the existing forests had experienced a catastrophe, such as South African forest, Australian forests and those in Arizona, Montana, Colorado, etc… The key factor of these forest devastation is the wildfire caused by the dry and hot climate due to global warming. The article also embodies concerns of scientists on future habitability of the Earth base on the consequences faced by the human race as well as the environment with lack of forests. For example, global warming and desertification. In additional to environmental issues, the article had encouraged people to take in action in response to the issue, which would eventually affect human, and how everyone’s intervene would have a great impact on it.
    • How does this explaining the connection between Conformity/individuality?
    “For, while a majority of the world’s people now live in cities, they depend more than ever on forests, in a way that few of them understand.”
    There is definitely a connection to conformity and individuality from this event. Since in the first place, each of us had somehow contributed to make the environment issue worse, such as the usage of oil product result in increasing amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere which led global warming. Each of us has the responsibility to preserve plants, more specifically forests, because they are the key climate protector who limits the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. In this respect, we are expected to participate in environmental protection, and so it is considered conformity to participate. For those who are still ignorant or even ignore the issue, they are consider individuals because for the most part of them, they take action upon their own advantage but yet, they choose to ignore the impact of their action on the environment even though they know the what the consequences are –such example will be littering. These people did not consider themselves as being a part of the group, so they only care about their own advantage rather than the goods of everyone and the environment.
    • What is your opinion about this article?
    “We’re not completely blind, but we’re not in good shape…”
    This article had explained to us that there was an emergency in the worldwide environment that needed human’s assistance, and it is our responsibility to protect the nature because we were involved in this event. But yet, not the majority of our society had the common opinion on the issue. There were still people who didn’t understand and was ignorant about how serious this environmental issue had became. Some of them thought that they were involved but in fact they had somehow contributed to make the situation worse. Others refused to participate because they thought that their intervene would have no impact on the solution. But think about it, if everyone choose not to do anything, then nothing is going to happen. So be green, your little help may not do great thing but your participation is a great contribution to the conformity of the people who participate.

  41. Alfredo Rodriguez Section: A October 2, 2011 at 4:21 pm #

    what is this about? where does this take place?

    this article is about a 15 year old girl who puts her 4 month old infant in a box with a note on it and had abandoned it on Otis street in newton. this happened on saturday october 1st 10:28 2011.

    how does this explain the connection between conformity/individuality?

    i would consider the girl to be an individual because she is making her own decisions on how to live her life and the fact of her being a mother at 15. She made her decision to have sex without protection and also to have sex. she could have been a conformist and gone to school, do a sport, go out with friends, but instead ruined her life by making one bad choice. instead she chose to be an individual. an individual is someone who has choices and choose to follow them. this is why i find her to be an individual.

    what is your opinion about this article?

    my opinion is that she is stupid for doing this. she could have had an abortion if she didnt want the child. it was her choice to have the baby. even if she didnt want it she could have put it up for adoption, she could have givin it to a family member like her mother or grandmother. she could of had a conversation with the father to see what they wanted to do. instead she put the child in a box and put it in a recycle bin.

    • Celine Briggs, Section D October 3, 2011 at 7:19 pm #

      This is very abhorrent, and sad. I feel like, she should have been responsible, and just ask someone for help. She was being selfish, and only thinking about herself.

      “I would consider the girl to be an individual because she is making her own decisions on how to live her life,” I agree with this statement that you said. She could have done what the average person might do, and tell their parents, or talk to someone about the situation. But she decided to do her own thing. Even though she made a very stupid decision, she was infact being independent and thinking for herself. So she is an individual in a way.

      But then again, she could be conformed. I’ve heard many stories similar to this. For example, couple of months ago, I was watching the news and saw a story about this 18-year old girl who abandoned her baby in a narrow alley next to her house. I think it’s a little of both, individual and conformity.

      “No baby was inside the box, though, and troopers who spent part of the weekend searching and digging through trash at an Avon recycling center found no sign of a baby.” Reading this part of the article, scared me a little. What happened to the baby!? O_o For some reason, I feel like this is just some middle schooler who thought it would be funny to do that. Cause I can’t even comprehend who would actually leave a baby like that.

  42. Alexis Kenney,Sec A October 2, 2011 at 4:58 pm # is the link.

    “Union protesters believe they have the right to work at a new grain terminal at the Port of Longview that is currently being staffed by workers from a different union…”

    1.What is this about? Where does it take place?”

    This article takes place in late September in Tacoma, Washington. The article is about the Longshoremen, whose job position was recently taken away from them by the city. Currently, there is a different union working at the grain terminal. This upset the Longshoremen to the point of protest, which allegedly became too violent when the outraged protesters dumped grain and stopped a train. This caused law enforcement to take action, and eventually both the union and its members individually were fined by a judge.

    2. How does this explain the connection between conformity/individuality?

    This article focuses on two major groups of people, the protesters and law enforcement. Both law enforcement and the protesters show aspects of conformity and individuality. Law enforcement shows conformity in the sense that they did what they could to try to stop the angry protesters from stopping the train and dumping the grain. However, the sheriff showed individuality by denying the statements that the police were harrasing the union members, because he felt that these accusations were false. On the other side, the union shows conformity because the people who make up the union followed and protested with one another. There were individuals that emerged from the union though, whether it be integrity or the fact that they didn’t want to deal with the possible consequences that come along with the actions of the union. Not every single member followed the rest of the union. Some decided against dumping grain and stopping the train for their own reasons.

    3. What is your opinion about this article?

    I believe that the protesters are right. The union has every right to protest, which is just exercising their freedom of speech. When the protesting union illegally dumped the grain, it reminded me of the Boston Tea Party, which became one of the greatest protests in history. That goes to show that sometimes people do the wrong things for all the right reasons, and that there’s an exception to every rule. If laws hadn’t been broken, society in America would not be where it is today. If individuals believe that something is so exremely important they should fight and stand up for themselves, like the the protesting union in this article.

  43. Julia Malita Section C October 2, 2011 at 4:59 pm #

    1.) What is this article about? Where does it take place?

    This article is about the, “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” policy. It was put in place in 1993 forbidding service men to disclose or ask about others sexuality. “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” had a huge impact on all service men and women of the military who were homosexual. For many years, they were discriminated against, because of their sexuality. They had to hide their sexuality so they would not be discharged. “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” affected everyone in the military and overseas, and this article shares that it is finally put to a close.
    2.) How does this explain the connection between conformity and individuality?

    “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” by discriminating against sexual orientation of service men and women was also discriminating against their individuality. Gay men and women could not openly serve as homosexuals. They were required to hide their sexuality and pretend they were leading/living heterosexual lives. This shows the conformity connection in the article, that gays could not be individuals, but had to all be “normal” which was not being gay.
    3.) What is your opinion on this article?
    I think that this article is important, because “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” policy has been going on for so long now and is finally put to a close. “With the change, gay and lesbian troops prohibited from discussing their sexual orientation or same-sex relationships are free to do so.” I never agreed with the policy and now I am happy that it is put to an end. In, my opinion it wasn’t fair that gays in the military services could not talk/express their sexuality. It took away from their individuality as a human being. I think that it is wrong and shows that conformity has a huge impact on society/life.

  44. Richard Ramkissoon October 2, 2011 at 5:30 pm #


    ‘As the debate around the state of emergency becomes increasingly polarised along political lines, I thought I would look at it from a different angle.’

    1. What is it about; where does it take place?

    This article was written by someone named Derren Joseph, a man who had a different outlook on the dilemma of “2012,” or the end of the world. He wrote this in the Trinidad and Tobago news website on September 6, 2011. He said people are saying that the quarreling all over the world is not a coincidence, but he thinks otherwise. Derren thinks that it’s all happening at once because it must have something to do with the upcoming of the disaster on December 21, 2012. Overall, he is not a person who would go running and kill himself about this event, but “have the audacity of hope” to not give in to such an arriving event.

    2. How does this explaining the connection between Conformity/individuality?

    Derren Joseph, unlike other people, doesn’t conclude his research within the boundaries of society. He goes even further to find his evidence intended to persuade minds and reveal one of the many outlooks on the event. Derren isn’t just a reporter and elegant writer, but he is the news. He not only showed the country and world another opinion on a disaster, but also showed us that answers can be found even outside of a box. He points out the conformists in society and how they’re reacting to 2012, but he publicized the other options and views, he is the news, and an example of individuality.

    3. What is you opinion about this article?

    The name of Derren Joseph’s article is ‘A Time for Unity,’ he uncovered most of the aspects of the ” 2012 disaster” and he says it without any bias whatsoever. He brilliantly kept me reading and engaged in his journey throughout his research and conclusions. Not only was he just a good writer, but he got the message through to me and actually got me thinking about what really is happening in the world and how or if it can relate to 2012. He inspires me to think about what i really want the world to come to, after all, students like me are the future of society.

  45. Gibson Alcott Section C October 2, 2011 at 6:13 pm #

    U.S. warns that Arab revolts are exposing religious intolerance

    What is this about? WHere does it take place?
    This article is about the U.S. trying to decrease the amount of religious intolerance related violence in the outlying countries of the Middle East and North Africa. It say some have been killed by their own neighbors because of their ethnic group. The U.S. is working on protecting these ethnic groups with new laws passed by the military government. It says in the article Clinton warns them not to “trade one form of repression for another.” Fortunately, over the past year Iraq and Pakistan have made decent improvements in their countries’ religious freedom tolerance.

    How does this explaining the connection between Conformity/individuality?
    In these countries discussed in the article, there are some individuals who strain to withhold the sacredness of their beliefs. Unfortunately, this lead to may attacks and killing of innocent people only because of their religious beliefs. Meanwhile, the U.S. officials are trying to bring order to these countries by warning everyone to be more tolerant of all ethnic groups. I believe that these people who are launching these attacks express conformity because their goal is to have their religion gain international acclaim and let it spread and in order to do so they have to kill anyone who challenges their religion with another. Although I guess it is debatable to decide that these people could be expressing individuality because they are fighting for something they believe in.

    What is your opinion about this article?
    Personally this article really opened my eyes to the cruelty and senseless killing going on in the world. I never really knew some people were THAT serious about their beliefs that they would go as far as killing a large number of people to defend their ethnic group.
    One thing in this article I did not understand is where it says “The popular revolts against longtime dictators in the Middle East and North Africa may have given hope to millions of Arabs”. how does this give them hope? Could it mean that when all revolting at once they are stronger or something?

  46. Rayshawn Miller Section A October 2, 2011 at 6:18 pm #

    Bullet number 1:

    The article is called “Occupy Wall Street”. It’s about the people thinking that the economical and political climate is not good and fair right now. Their goal is not very clear according to the article but they are fighting/protesting against corporate greed, social inequality, etc. This event is taking place throughout New York. Yesterday most activity occurred at the Brooklyn Bridge. The protest can occur where ever the protestors feel is appropriate.

    Bullet number 2:

    This has to do with individuality because one the first few people to either come up with the idea or join the cause are individuals. They are individuals because they strayed away from society and did what they felt was right. The next dozen or so people who joined are individuals because they believed it was right. But the people who followed them are conformists because they saw how people were joining the cause rapidly and then felt it was okay to join because for the most part the majority was doing it. But the people sitting at home that support the cause are individuals as well. I say that because they see what the majority is doing but they do what they think is right and stay home. All in all that’s the connection between individuality and conformity.

    Bullet number 3:

    My opion about this article is that it’s an okay peice. I saw that because it’s accessible by me just going on a local site. Which is good and easy to find. Also I think it was well written. And it captured the overall message of them protesting.


    A line:

    “Police have kettled the march on the Brooklyn Bridge and have begun arresting protesters. At least 20 arrested so far.”

  47. Akeem Chambers Section A October 2, 2011 at 6:44 pm #

    What is this about? Where does it take place?
    A quarter century ago a man took a tremendous trip on his air boat that would later spawn thousands of stories of his adventure leading him into the “Guinness World Records.” An “Old Hippie” named Bill Fadeley From New York had always liked air boats after seeing them on a TV show called “Gentle Ben.” He later got the great idea to go to Florida and get one of his own. “William ‘Bill’ Fadeley Jr. and his friend Eugene Hajtovik completed a 1,770.28-km [1,100-mile], 13-day trip by air boat along the Intracoastal Waterway from Jacksonville, Florida, to the Statue of Liberty in New York, USA, on 3 July 1986. They made their ‘Ride to Liberty’ on board the 5-m [16-ft], 350-hp Miss Jacksonville.” Which was the name of their air boat, he goes on to say after that “it was bad memory” and the only thing to get Miss Jacksonville in the water again would be the Jacksonville Jaguar

    How does this explaining the connection between Conformity/individuality?
    This explains the individuality of man setting out to do what he’s been dreaming of and what others wouldn’t even have the guts or courage to go through. Especially on a air boat. Who really in their right mind would think of making a journey on an air boat from Jacksonville, FL all the way to the Statue Of Liberty. Well Bill Fadeley did and is now honored and recognized for it with his name in the “Spirit of Adventure, Fantastic Voyages” section in the Guinness World Records.

    What is your opinion about this article?
    I actually thought it was pretty cool, even though I couldn’t find myself doing something that. I thought it was amazing, he did what he’s been wanting to do, went out, did it and got a spot in a famous book that everybody would love to be in. He could have potentially given another man or woman hope to even go out and do something even better than what he did. Maybe even starting a whole chain of people trying to beat his record.

  48. David Griffin October 2, 2011 at 7:16 pm #

    “Authorities say Ferdaus was upset at the death of Osama Bin Laden in May. He was recorded as referring to the terrorist leader as ‘our boss.'”

    What is this about? Where does it take place?

    A 26 year old by the name Rezwan Ferdaus was arrested on Wednesday in Ashland, Massachusetts. This American-born citizen was accused of plotting to destroy the Pentagon and U.S. Capitol. Ferdus was planning on attacking the buildings with a large, remote controlled aircraft armed with a harmful amount of explosives. He was arrested when undercover agents allegedly delivered some of his deadly, requested materials. Ferdus was also accused of attempting to work with Al-Qaeda to attack soldiers overseas.

    How does this explaining the connection between Conformity/individuality?

    In America, terrorist attacks are uncommon and do not occur everyday. If you were to compare Rezwan Ferdaus to other ordinary Americans, he would definitely be considered an individual. However, Ferdaus claims to be a loyal follower of Osama Bin Laden. There are many people in this world who follow Bin Laden’s evil ways. Compared to other terrorists, Ferdaus is a clear conformist.

    What is your opinion about this article?

    The fact that this occurred in my state is crazy to me. This man was an American born citizen who went against his own country. How cold can a person get? It’s insane to read that someone would put so much effort into ruining the land they are from. I googled a high school photo of Ferdaus, and he looks like a regular teenager. ( This man should be sentenced for life.

  49. Sammy Liao Section A October 2, 2011 at 7:46 pm #

    “Three people were killed and three others wounded when at least two gunmen opened fire as people left a party at warehouse early Sunday, authorities said.”

    1. What is this about? Where does it take place?
    This is about how a group of people got killed for no apparent reason. It took place at San Leandro , California when a group of people walked out of a warehouse. Two people started shooting them and three were found dead while the other two wounded.

    2.How does this explaining the connection between Conformity/individuality?
    The individuality was shown when they were shooting the people for no reason. They had a reason in themselves though, a reason to shoot these kinds of people. Thhis showed that they were individuals. It also showed conformity when they all ran in a chaotic scene. They all were the same and showed the same reactions everyone would have made. Overall, the gun men were also conformists, something must have made them think that shooting these people were correct

    3.What is your opinion about this article?
    I think it was a cruel article on how people kill others. These people had something in mind that made them dos such a thing. Everything was chaotic and crazy in my opinion.

    • Amanda Fung Section E October 3, 2011 at 6:07 pm #

      I do not think that individuality is shown in the shooting of people.They also did not have a reason to shoot these kind of people, as stated in your response. In fact, shooting people randomly nowadays is not rare, its’ on the news quite often stating another shooting. You also stated that “They had a reason in themselves though, a reason to shoot these kinds of people,”however the article states: “The gunmen started shooting as a group of people walked out of the building.” That shows that they just randomly started shooting as the people began to walk out of the building. It also isn’t clear if the gunmen even attended the party, so they could have just shot people for no apparent reason, and like I said, this is not the first time something like this has happened. Basically, it is another random shooting that has happened over and over again due to random conflicts. People in this world are crazy and some people have stress and so much hatred towards people, that they lose control and think that the only solution is shooting. They are practically conforming what others have done before in the past, shooting people randomly. In my opinion, I think it showed individuality when everyone started running away. It is common sense to run away when you hear a gun shot. You won’t even have enough time to even look at what other people are doing. For example, if you were placed in a situation where you hear a gun shot not too far away from where you are, would you look around to see what others are doing or would you just go with your conscious, and run away? You would even be too scared to even look anywhere else, you would just want to get as far away from the place as possible to save your own life.

      • Jacqulyn Brooks Section F October 4, 2011 at 7:56 pm #

        Jacqulyn Brooks Section F

        Hi Amanda. I agree with you because in this article, it never really states if the gunmen were at the party or not, which shows it could have just been at random choice of whom they would shoot but this hasn’t been determined yet. In the article it first states, “Three people were killed and three others wounded when at least two gunmen opened fire as people left a party at warehouse early Sunday, authorities said.”Then the article states, “Investigators were trying to establish if the gunmen had attended the party, or arrived as people left the party. It was not clear if the gunmen were in a vehicle or on foot when they opened fire.” This is what causes the confusion on whether they attended the party or not. It seems to me as though they didn’t, which would mean that they shot the people randomly. I also agree with you when you said that it’s not individual if they shot random people. You do hear of that a lot on the news. Since it’s a common thing for people to shoot people they don’t know wouldn’t it be conformity being shown from the shooters since they’re acting out a common behavior? You said, “They are practically conforming what others have done before in the past, shooting people randomly.” Another thing I agree on is when you said, “In my opinion, I think it showed individuality when everyone started running away. It is common sense to run away when you hear a gun shot. You won’t even have enough time to even look at what other people are doing.” I agree on the fact that you think it shows individuality. I think it shows individuality when every one started running away because in a situation like that, you have to act smartly, you can’t care about what others would do you have to care about yourself and what you SHOULD do, and in that case its run for your life. All of the people who ran from the scene ran because they knew it was what they needed to do.

      • Sammy Liao Section A October 19, 2011 at 6:27 pm #

        You are supporting my text and disagreeing with it at the same time. You say it’s just like a random shooting that happens occasionally which agrees to my no reason at all. But also you said that there are conflicts that made them do it which also agrees with me? Which side are you choosing? Plus, if they were all running away, how would that be individual? They are ALL doing it, meaning they should be conformists.

      • msgentile October 20, 2011 at 5:29 pm #


    • Duyen Pham Section E October 3, 2011 at 7:18 pm #

      I strongly agree how you said the gunmen were individuals because they had some kind reasoning to attack the people at the party. Unfortunately, i disagree how you said that the gunmen were also conformists because the police have not found out the reason why these men killed these people at this specified area. You can’t say that they’re “also conformists” when the motive is unknown. You need proof to show that they are! What if their motive doesn’t conform to society? What if their motive is based on their individuality? Their motive still remains as a mystery, so don’t label them as conformists YET.

      I also think that this story was horrific because picturing a couple of men being able to murder three innocent people and wound another three is just disappointing. These people must have had a great motive to kill that many people. This is almost like the 9/11 incident, but excluding the plane crash into the twin towers at New York. When the incident happened, people(conformists) were running around only thinking about escaping. These kind of reactions are understandable because no one knew these types of things were going to happen. That’s how similar these two incidents are.

      • Sammy Liao Section A October 19, 2011 at 6:29 pm #

        Reply/ Word Slap towards Jacqulyn and Amanda

  50. amberriggs October 2, 2011 at 7:48 pm #
    “Although there are still hundreds of women across Germany seeking help from shelters, and countless more who suffer in silence, advocates are hopeful that the recent public focus on women’s issues is helping more women find help and even avoid forced and abusive relationships.”

    1. This article takes place primarily in Germany. This article is about abused Muslim women in Germany. It shows how you can get up on your two feet and make a change in your life. This article inspires the many women in tight situations in shelters or who suffer abuse, that you’re not alone. Lastly this article is about the balance of individuality and conformity in women’s rights.

    2. This article about women rights show the connection between individuality and conformity by showing how you have to be your own person to make it through life’s “thick and thin”. It explains women’s stories of how they had to submit to conformity from traditional Muslim beliefs. Which ended up in forced marriages and physical and mental abuse. Nevertheless it also shows how these Muslim women and many other many Muslim women had to conform to Muslim society traditional views to be the individual they are today. The type of individual who speak publicly about their hurts and their lives and what THEY had to go through to be the person they are today. Thus saying this conformity and individuality work together as equal partners in article to show that we women are strong and we will prevail.

    3. This article inspires me to be a greater person. This article shows me I can do anything I want to do if I just put my mind to it. THIS article is strong and powerful because it shows women’s right means something to millions of people (not just me). Thus saying these women’s rights all over the world is individuality and conformity and this article proves it.

  51. James Gouzoule October 2, 2011 at 7:48 pm #

    What is Article about? Where Does it Take Place?

    This Article is about a football player in the NFL named Plaxico Buress who was recently released from prison on gun charges responding to a weekend in newyork were 48 people were shot. This article takes place in newyork

    How does this Article show indivduality / conformity?

    This areticle shows individuality and conformity ”
    I have asked myself ever since the incident happened, where were my decision making abilities at that time? ” because as the quote displays he made no decisions to better his life prior to being arrested and now that he is out of prison he like everybody was predicting is now trying to become a role model for gun violence and there for he is not being an individual and is conforming to what society wants him to be.

    Personal Reaction
    Personaly i have no problem with this instance of him conforming because it is for the better and is making a bigger influence on any body who is inspired by him and altogether is a strong satment to the community that sometimes you have no chance but to chagng and it is not always a bad thing.

    Read more:

    • zack holland October 3, 2011 at 5:48 pm #

      hi james this is zack Sec. D I totally disagree with you on this. If you

      think that for one instance that Plexico is conforming you should be

      hospitalized just like plexico was after he got shot. He is clearly not

      trying to conform if he shot himself in the leg and went to prison. I think

      that most normal people dont want to get shot and go to jail. If plexico

      was really trying to conform he would have gotten a spray tan and gone

      fist pumping with out having to shoot himself and go to jail

      • James Gouzoule October 4, 2011 at 7:53 pm #

        No, Becasue conforming is changing to what other people think of him first of all its plaxico second of all he wasnt hopitalized in the first place and he did conform in the fact that people thought he had done something wrong and months after being released he went with what society thought about him and made a statement about gun violence being a bad thing
        But im not a rapper

  52. Daniel Martinez, Section A October 2, 2011 at 8:02 pm #

    “Syrian dissidents meeting in Turkey have formally announced the creation of a council designed to overthrow President Bashar Assad’s regime.”

    What is this about? WHere does it take place?
    -This is about Syrian people in Turkey to overthrow President Bashar Assad’s regime. They plan to make a council that will replace the president. They called it the Syrian National Council. It also suggests that U.S. Ambassador Robert Ford quit meddling in Syrian affairs (supporting anti-government groups) unless he’d want to get attacked again. Hillary Clinton says they attacked him as part of a campaign to crack down on people against Assad’s regime. Syrian is accusing the U.S. of supporting violence.

    How does this explaining the connection between Conformity/individuality?
    -This explains the connection between conformity and individuality because the Syrian people in Turkey are not choosing to conform to Bashar Assad’s way of handling things. They are choosing to be individuals and do they’re own thing and try to uproot him. This also shows how he is against individuality trying to crackdown on groups who don’t agree with what he’s doing. This article also shows the West and Syria’s individual opinions on their foreign/local policies. Which is causing problems between them by their different approaches to things.

    What is your opinion about this article?
    – I think the title of the article was a bit misleading. It was mostly about the Syrian government’s opinion on U.S. Ambassador Robert Ford. It involved him doing things to support anti-government groups. But it didn’t say much about the Syrian National Council which was what the article was titled. I also think it is a good idea to uproot Assad. His crackdown has left some 2,700 people dead and this council could better the nation.

  53. Lemuel Mills October 2, 2011 at 8:33 pm #

    “The blasphemy laws have been especially in the spotlight since November 2010, when a Christian mother of five, Asia Bibi, was sentenced to death for insulting the Prophet Muhammad.”

    •What is this about? Where does it take place?
    -This article is about the blasphemy law of Pakistan, the people who do not believe in them and the consequences for not conforming to them such as the death penalty ehich is rarely used in Pakistan. This is what is happening right now in Pakistan.

    •How does this explaining the connection between Conformity/individuality?
    -In Pakistan, its conform or die when it comes to religon. Pakistan has blasphemy law and not only are those who do not abide by them sentenced to death, but the individuals who speak out against it are murdered. This explains the connection between conformity and individuality because the individuals (minority faiths of Pakistan) are being presured to asimilate into the conformist (majority faiths of Pakistan, Muslims) or they face dying. The blasphemy law is there to oppress people and force them relinquish their free will to be apart of the majority religon. Those who try to amend the laws are murdered. An example is the murder of Punjab Governor Salman Taseer. His objective was to amend the law but he was killed by his own conformist body guard who believed other wise.

    •What is your opinion about this article?
    – What is happening over in Pakistan is wrong. People are being put to death for minor things that the government and majority of Pakistan believes is blasphemy. Asia Bibi, a Chisrtian mother of five, was sentenced to death for insulting the prophet Mohamed. These are just words that she is being killed for. Also, a thirteen year old girl made a minor spelling error on a test and it was consitered blasphemy. Now their family is in hiding to aviod the death penalty for an accidental spelling mistake. The death penaly is almost never used in Pakistan, so having it being used so often now is creating an uproar and people are choosing sides. The government should amend the blastphemy law and not kill people as punishment. Peolple of the Muslim faith value life more than most of anyone else and taking it away is against their morals and religon, so why continue the carnage? You know its wrong.

  54. Meera Lokenauth Section: A October 2, 2011 at 8:33 pm #

    – What is this about? Where does it take place?

    -This article is about a 10-year-old girl named Ame Deal who got locked in a box, as a punishment, by not asking permission to eat a popsicle. She suffocated in a 3-foot-long by 14-inch-wide box and unfortunately died. The parent locked her in the trunk of a car, who sooner or later got caught. “Ame’s aunt, Cynthia Stotlzmann, 44, and grandmother Judith Deal, 62, are being charged with child abuse and kidnapping — they confessed to locking Ame in a box on previous occasions. And witnesses (how there are “witnesses” that held their tongue until now I will never understand) say that the family had a history of torturing Ame. They’d make her eat hot sauce and strike her with a paddle they called the “Butt Buster” among the other previously mentioned horrific things they did.”

    -How does this explaining the connection between Conformity/individuality?
    – I think that this article explains conformity. I have seen and read many times in the news how parents lock their child(ren) in a closet, dog cage, box, etc. It’s common for parents to tell their child(ren) to sit in a corner as a punishment, time out, or a little hitting on the butt, but these parents had tortured their child a lot from what I read in the article about Ame Deal. The parents weren’t the only one who tortured her, it was also her aunt and grandmother. I find this to be very mean because the child is a child and doesn’t really know any better than she does really.
    – What is your opinion about this article?
    – I think that these parents should be put in jail for the rest of their lives or killed because they do not deserve to live if their children were killed by them. These people need to be
    taught about how to treat children better but still stay in jail. I don’t like the fact that the mother and father who are 23, weren’t the only one who tortured Ame Deal, from the article it seems to me that they liked to abuse the child. I find it sick and wrong that people do that to children.

  55. Nalah Garcia - Walker October 2, 2011 at 9:16 pm #

    1. What is this about? Where does it take place?
    2. How does this explaining the connection between Conformity/individuality?
    3. What is your opinion about this article?

    1. This article is about the debut of the rapper Kanye West’s womens fashion line at Paris Fashion week, “the grande dame of Fashion Weeks,” as the article says.
    2. It is quite unusual for a rapper to be a fashion designer, especially the very controversial rapper/producer Kanye West. Mr. West is an individual because he wears what he wants. The article states, “He has also stepped up his own personal fashion game, making more adventurous choices – though his decisions to wear harem pants, leopard-print boleros and ladies’ cardigans from Celine have received mixed reactions.” Being a rapper who wears harem pants is frowned upon in the hip – hop music industry, but Kanye wears the anyway. His change in fashion is also conformity because last fashion season, Kanye was refused entry to Alexander McQueen, Balmain and Louis Vuitton’s Paris Fashion Week shows. Perhaps he changed his ways just to be accepted by the fashion industry, which would be conforming to the rules of the fashion world. If this was e case, he only did it so that he could express himself to the world through fashion and not just music. Sometimes you have to “conform” in order to do what you want, and doing what you want is being an individual.
    3. I think this article is very good. I know it’s not considered “real” news, but I honestly couldn’t find a news article that explained the connection between conformity and individuality; shout out to all the people on Team C who did though. I’m not even sure if I’ll get credit guys, but hey, I tried. I think this article is a great example of someone who is an individual but “conforms” to be an individual when he has to. I think many of my fellow students can understand this article because mostly everyone is familiar with Kanye West and knows how individual he is, even Obama knows! Lastly, I think this article shows perspective. Which angle are you looking from? I can look at all the articles on here and have a different perspective from the author and I can interpret the stories in a different ways and get a different outcome. So it all depends on how you look at things. Basically what I’m saying is that the connection between conformity and individuality could be anything. I hope you guys get what I’m saying… World Slap me bruh bruh!

  56. Benjamin Fedynyshyn, Section C October 2, 2011 at 9:23 pm #

    More Info:

    “He fled with Kara Hurring and her 7-year-old daughter to Macau in 2009 after $10 million was accidentally deposited into their bank account.”

    What is this about? Where does it take place?
    -This Is about a man named Leo Gao who accidentally became a millionaire as a result of banking error and decided that he would flee the country with money that wasn’t his and hideout in China for as long as he could. This takes place in the North Island of New Zealand and in Hong Kong China.

    How does this explain the connection between Conformity/individuality?
    -If Leo was more of an Individualist he would have reported that there was problem with the amount of money that he was given for his loan and would have been looked upon as a model citizen, or someone who is normal. This would also make Leo a conformist to society for doing something that would benefit the government.

    What is your opinion about this article?
    -My opinion on this article is that anyone experiencing the effects of today’s economy would find themselves more than likely to take the money and run, but if I were to be in the same situation as Leo it would be quite difficult to choose between taking the money or giving it back. In the end I would probably end up giving it all back, because becoming an international fugitive isn’t that exciting.

  57. Annika Higgins (Section C) October 2, 2011 at 9:49 pm #

    • What is this about? Where does it take place?

    This law “don’t ask, don’t tell” was about how homosexuals couldn’t expose their sexuality when being drafted into the army. This law was passed by George w. bush on December 21, 1993. It was made to protect homosexuals from being discriminated on while serving in Afghanistan. But it was also made to make sure these lesbians and bisexuals didn’t act “indecent” when in service.

    • How does this connect to conformity and individuality?
    This law made it so gay people couldn’t express their own sexuality, their own individuality. They couldn’t act like themselves; they had to keep their mouths shut about who they were. It also states “Existing standards of personal conduct, such as those pertaining to public displays of affection, will not continue because of sexual orientation”. This is basically stating the gays cannot show any sign of being homosexual. Asking somebody to hold back who they are is like asking them to not live. The government made homosexuals conform. This law was reformed in September 20, 2011. This allowed gay people to be open about their sexuality, their indivisuality.
    • What is your opinion about this article?
    I believe this article was very eye opening. I haven’t even heard of this until today. I would have hated this done to me, somebody telling me I couldn’t be myself. This is a terrible law and Obama is great for reforming it.

  58. Sidney Fenton Sec. A October 2, 2011 at 10:12 pm #
    “We have a common language and common expectations,” she said. With clear expectations, Trahan said, discipline referrals have gone down. Discipline referrals are down at least 90 percent from (three years ago),” she said.
    • 1. This article is about a school in Sheridan, Wyoming. At Coffeen Elementary, students are encouraged to take leadership jobs like sharpening pencils for all of the students before the school day begins. The school is doing this because it is trying to instill a sense of responsibility in its students. By having these jobs available, they hope that the students will also form a sense of accountability for their work and their word that they will get the job done. The end result that the school expects is that their students will feel prepared for the real world through these leadership jobs.
    • 2. Parents of some of the students of this school are questioning why they have their children sharpening pencils. In a way, the parents want that school to conform to what society’s normal school looks like. They want their children only to be taught directly through textbooks. What they do not see is that their children are being taught indirectly through the jobs that they recommend for the students to have. By creating these jobs, the school has formed a way of teaching the kids showing the school’s individuality compared to other systems that schools have created.
    • 3. My opinion about this article is that the school has the right idea but they have to respect the wants of the parents who send their child/children to that school. If the parents do not find it sensible for their children to do that labor, the school should not make it available for that child. Even though some parents do not like the idea, I think the school still should continue it because of the changes they have received since they have started this job system. I think whatever works the best should be done because this will change the students’ thoughts about accountability and responsibility.

  59. LanVy Tran Section C October 3, 2011 at 5:15 am #

    “The man who died can now be named as Mitchell Dean Harrison, whose last address was in Cumbria”

    1) What is this about? Where does it take place?
    – 23-year old, Mitchell Harrison, was found in his cell with multiple injuries on Saturday morning. Harrison, from Wolverhampton, was jailed in 2009 after raping a 13-year-old-girl in Cumbria in 2009. He was sentenced to at least four-and-a-half years in jail and was put on the sex offenders register for life. Now two of his inmates have been charged with the murder of this child rapist. A 32-year old man and a 23-year old man. This was at the HM Prison, a high security prison in Frankland, County Durham.

    2) How does this explaining the connection between Conformity/individuality?
    – Indivuality. This explains individuality because each of those men did bad things to get them into prison. Harrison is an individual because he made the choice of raping a 13-year old girl and that put him in prison. His to inmates are individuals because they made the decision to do whatever it was that got them into prison. They also made the decision to murder Harrison.

    3) What is your opinion about this article?
    – My opinion on this article is that I still can’t believe that there are people like this in the world. People who kill other people, people who hurt other people. It makes me sad whenever I hear another story on the news about someone being killed or someone going to jail because they killed/hurt/violated a person. The thing I didn’t understand about this article is that why did Harrison’s inmates murder him? what did he do?

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