Tag Archives: Shakespeare

Shakespeare Scavenger Hunt: Preparation

25 Mar

Directions: Read and KNOW the rules tomorrow so that we can save time! Know your expectations, discuss with your friends so that we can spend more time in the scavenger hunt!

Not only is this a lesson on prepositions, accessing background knowledge but it is also about teamwork!!! 



  1. Wear comfortable clothes
  2. Bring JUST your binder and something to write with!
  3. Have a partner BEFORE YOU COME TO CLASS!!!
  4. Wait in a line outside along the hallway 
  5. Safety First!
  6. Treat the room kindly and carefully!!!


  1. You will be looking for clues
  2. Clues are brightly colored paper in plastic sleeves
  3. The clues are hidden in places all over the room EXCEPT FOR MY DESK and taped off area! 
  4. You will have to think about your prepositions and where or how they get in a location…your clothes are IN your closet and Ms. Bryne’s class is AROUND the corner…ya dig?
  5. Some clues will give you the direct answer, while you will need multiple clues to piece an answer together: think P+P to make an inference and answer the question!!
  6. Each partner writes!
  7. First group to finish gets extra credit! 


  1. WALK and be aware of  your surrounds: safety first!!
  2. You MUST remain with your partner AT ALL TIMES! Meaning: if your partner is on the ground, you must be on the ground. If your partner is upside down, so should you! When your partner writes, you write! Move together as ONE unit! teamwork, babies!
  3. You have to move to the clue! You can’t move the clue, take it out from the sleeve and move it so you can see it. You can’t flip over the desk, move under it instead! If the clue is in a binder, open the binder where it is. If the clue is upside down, you have to move your bodies to see it and get the info
  4. If you pick things up, you put them down. You need to put back chairs if you move then, close binders or drawers if you open them. This will not only keep the hunt organized, but SAFE as well!
  5. You may want to be discrete when you find a clue…yelling “YES! WE FOUND IT!” only gives your peers an advantage! 
  6. Be creative an innovative because I will try to outsmart you 🙂
  7. ONE GROUP PER CLUE AT A TIME. So, you have to move and be quick without disrupting safety!


  • Any violation of the rules will result in a 30 second penalty in the penalty box. YES both partners in the box at the same time (see the “we’re Fun” page…)
  • If the safety of the room and/or student is jeopardized, then the violators will be asked to relocate to a different room for an alternative assignment
  • If the safety of the room and/or student is jeopardized continuously by the class, then the hunt stops and the questions will be for homework and count as a QUIZ grade. 



Scavenger Hunt: Rules and Regulations

9 Mar

Directions: Read the rules and regulations below so that we can save time and have a safe classroom. YOu will have to make inferences about each question. Search for clues (which are in plastic sleeves located around the room!) to use as the “parts” in order to make those inferences. Please arrive quickly with the necessary items for class so we can spend more time having the scavenger hunt!!!! Spread the word for your peers to READ these!


  1. Get with a partner (no triads unless and odd man out).

  2. You MUST remain with your partner at all times: that means, if your partner is walking somewhere, you are too. If your partner is on the floor, you must be on the floor. You move together in unison. 

  3. You must SEARCH for clues and think of your prepositions: in, above, inside, around, underneath, on top, etc.

  4. You must move TO the clues: if the clue is on the floor, YOU have to move on the floor. If the clue is upside down, YOU can’t turn it around, but must move upside down.

  5. You must PUT BACK the clue the way you found it: For example, if the clue is inside and underneath something, you will have to put the cover on and put it back on the shelf THE WAY YOU FOUND IT. That means: close the drawer, shut the cabinet, put back the chairs. 



  8. You can stand on the CHAIRS, but CAN NOT stand on the DESKS.

  9. Keep your hands to yourself and not on other classmates.

  10. Each partner must write and complete the handout for your TOC .

  11. HOWEVER, only submit ONE for each team. 

  12. Any violation of the rules and regulations will result in a 30 second penalty in the Penalty Box.

  13. If ONE PERSON jeopardizes the safely of the classroom and students, he/she will take a ZERO and be moved to a different class for an alternative assignment. 


ON MONDAY, please bring with you:

  1. ESSAY: final copy ready, rubric on top, then essay, then all of your edits/outlines.

  2. Jane Eyre Book

  3. Something to write with

  4. Clothes in which you can move. you will be crawling on the floor, jumping, etc.

Please read and KNOW these rules for class tomorrow. Be ready to participate and have some fun!! Get Excited!!!

TotS: Act II questions

29 Sep

Directions: In addition to the journal you have due tomorrow,which you have had OVER a week to complete (please refer to the syllabus this week), finish reading/translating Act II. Then, answer the following questions. You will need them to complete the classwork assignment. You got a hard copy of this in class as well, but just in case your dog eats it, you shall have access to it via the internet. Oh, no excuses!!

1.  What information does Katherine hope to gain by tying Bianca’s hands and questioning her?

2.  What type of language does Petruchio use to describe Katherine during his discussion with Baptista? (lines 42-65)  What does this tell us about his character? Explain.

3.  What names do Hortensio and Lucentio assume?  What roles will they play?

4.  What character does Tranio assume?  How does Baptista react to him?  Please quote from the text.

5.  Summarize the content of Petruchio and Baptista’s conversation in your own words!!
6.  How is Hortensio injured?

7.  When Katherine and Petruchio meet how do they get along?  Particularly, what is the tone and attitude in lines 182-196, 209-220, and in Petruchio’s lines 264-277

8.  What does Petruchio claim about his and Katherine’s interaction?  How does Baptista react?
9.  At the end of Act II what are Tranio, Gremio, and Baptista discussing?  What decision is made?  What must Tranio do in light of this decision?

TotS Notes/questions: ActI, scene i

27 Sep

Directions: Read/take notes/respond to I,i. Just in case you lost your copy or were not in school…You DO have access to the online version of the play. NO EXCUSES as to why this is late!

Scene i

  1. So far, explain and characterize Sly (tis OK to make judgments, predictions, and inferences):
  2. Characterize the Lord:
  3. In line 3, what does the word “fruitful” mean, both its literal and figurative meaning? 
  4. Ultimately, what is Tranio’s advice for his lord (lines 25 – 40)? 
  5. Think Quick: What are your thoughts on arranged marriages? Try to look at it from both the male and female perspective. 
  6. What does “cart” mean in line 55? What is your reaction? 
  7. Explain lines 57 – 66. What does Hortensio mean in lines? What is Katherine’s reaction? How could this be significant to the title of the play?
  8. What does Lucentio observe about Bianca? 
  9. In line 80, what is Katherine’s opinion of her sister? 
  10. Explain the allusion in line 85. Why does he call Bianca that? 
  11. How do the suitors feel about Baptista’s decision to withhold Bianca from them? 
  12. What kind of personality does Katherine have, use lines 104 – 6 to help you. Be sure to explain why. 
  13. What “pact” do Hortensio and Gremio make?
  14.  What is Tranio’s and Lucentio’s plan (lines 196-213)?
  15. What reason does Lucentio tell Biondello concerning the “swap” (lines 232 – 240)?
  16. With whom does the scene end?

TotS: Introduction Questions

24 Sep

Directions: Just in case you lost or left behind your hard copy, I have placed it here. Please read BOTH scenes in the introduction and answer the following questions. BE PREPARED FOR POP QUIZZES!!

Scene i:

  1. Based on the conversation with the hostess (lines 1 – 15), what kind of personality does Sly have? Be sure to analyze specific things this says to her in order to make an assessment of him.
  2. What “Prank” is the Lord/huntsman going to play on sly?
  3. Explain the significance of lines 65 – 67.
  4. Make a prediction at this point: what affect will this prank have on the plot and development of the story?
  5. Explain the significance of line 74: Is this true for everyone?
  6. Think Quick: Does changing one’s appearance change the demeanor or personality? Think, connect, respond.
  7. What is the lord’s plan for the page? Explain and predict using his monologue lines 110 – 135.
  8. Think Quick: How could the Lord be “marginalizing” Sly? Explain.

Scene ii:

  1. What have the servants convinced Sly of (lines 79-80)?
  2. What does the messenger tell the Lord at the end of the scene?
  3. Why is this a play within a play and what do you predict?

On-line Text: Taming of the Shrew

21 Sep

Well, talk about some BLA specials…

Due to the lack of books and lack of decent/complete copies of Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew, I will keep a set in the room for us to use during class time. But, when you have homework to complete, you will need the text. I have left some options up to you.

Please decide what you want and see me by Thursday if you need to sign out a novel.

Option #1: Buy a book.

 The cost of the book is about $5, but you need it for the weekend. The upside to this is that you can take you own notes in the margins, which I think is so much better! If you want to donate the copy (if you did not write in it) when you are finished, it would be much appreciated.

Option #2: Use the Online text. CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL VERSION

This is one of the better versions I found. It is also available in a downloadable PDF. If you want to print it, go ahead, but that might be a waste of paper/ink. If you have any problems with the website, let me know as you encounter them so I can make necessary accommodations. The downside: the line numbers are not the same in my version. Each scene starts back at #1 in my version, whereas this online text has continuous line numbers. So, when you do your questions, they go in chronological order.

Option #3: Sign-out a book.

I do not have enough copies for ALL of my students. So, if you need a book, you need to see me by Thursday to sign it out. Also, there are three different versions of the play available, so the book I am using may not be the one you are using. Love those BLA Specials….

If you have ANY suggestions on how we can make this work, I am very open to problem solving, but remember, we don’t have printers or a copy machine…

See me so we can discuss.

Shakespearean Words

17 Sep

“UGH! Shakespeare is SOOOO HARD!!!”

Need some help?

When translating, here are lists of helpful websites for you to use if you are having difficulty.

Shakespeare’s Glossay: CLICK HERE for an entire glossary of Elizabethan and Shakespearean terms. All in ABC order!

Language and Terms:  CLICK HERE for a list of some of the most common words in Shakespeare with which you might not be familiar.  There is also a link to a printable version of this list at the bottom of the page. 

Shakespeare’s Dictionary: CLICK HERE for this personal dictionary of troublesome words found in Shakespeare’s plays and sonnets. It is limited to words that have fallen out of use, OR whose meanings have changed over the centuries. You can search for words at the bottom of the page!