Holocaust Research Assignment: Notes

12 Nov

Directions: Use this sheet to help you stay organized. I will collect this along with your final draft of your research paper. Be sure to evaluate the sources you are using so you make sure the information is not jkjkjlolzbieber. And, be sure to keep track of your source information. I will also post this form on the homepage so you can do everything electronically. Cut and past it from the homepage and into a word document so you can type everything if you want to.

Source info:

One Response to “Holocaust Research Assignment: Notes”

  1. Manouska Almonord November 15, 2010 at 1:32 pm #

    I’m having trouble with my topic because its really broad and i can’t find a focus because the focus i was going for isn’t really on any of the recommended websites or the websites i searched on google. so is it okay if i do the women who made a difference during the third reich ?

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