Current Event: Propaganda

17 Dec

Current Event Directions: Read the following directions below for your section. We are doing this in segments, but ALL classes will have to do this at some point during the term. Pay attention to the due dates.

Find a Current Event: Section G ONLY

Due: MONDAY 12/20

Directions (Section G):

  • Research the following websites for local, national and international news.
  • Find a current event that relates to the concepts of Propaganda: What is the idea being “sold?” How are people “buying” into the idea, but what is the real message behind it? How and why do people follow the masses without thinking? How are people buying into the media, negative images and ideas, politics, etc?
  • This article should be within the past month or so.
  • In the comments section of this assignment: Cut/paste the link as part of the post. DO NOT PUT IT IN THE SPACE THAT SAYS WEBSITE. If you do, your comment will go to spam.
  • Cite a least ONE line
  • Then, along with the link, answer the following questions
    • What is this about? Where does it take place?
    • How does this explaining the connection between hope/faith and fear?
    • What is your opinion about this article?


Respond to the current event: SECTION  A ONLY

DUE: Thursday12/23 by the start of class

Directions (Section G):

  • Choose any article posted by your classmates
  • Read the article, quote specific form from the article AND your peers
  • You need ONE from each.
  • No more than FOUR people per post
  • You must read the article!
  • Read it and respond to it as a “reply”.
    • Do you agree/disagree and why?
    • Use debate language: “You said…., but I disagree because…” or “Good point about…and I agree because…”
    • Think about your own views about faith and fear and how it connects to the post.
    • Totally ok if you fight and argue. I think a discussion back and forth is amazing!!!


  • Be sure your name is on your post.
  • Cut/paste the link IN your comment, as part of the post in order to get credit.
  • Due on the dates above .
  • Use appropriate language for debate: “You said…but I think..” or “I understand your point about…but I disagree because…”
  • All posts will be screened by me and you will not get credit for inappropriate posts.

21 Responses to “Current Event: Propaganda”

  1. Lyne-Jacques December 19, 2010 at 11:13 am #
    There has been a whole outbreak in stores this year. They have new and exciting electronic devices. For example at the JCPenney’s gift shop, a woman finds binoculars with a built-in digital camera. But is this all for our benefits? Is it because these electronic devices would actually be useful to us or is it just expensive crap? This article talks about the race between department stores and big stores.The department stores do not want to be left behind so they make sure to get the latest technologies. They sell these things as if people actually need them. “Five years ago the traditional department store wouldn’t have the assortment you do today,” said Tracey Jones, general manager of the JCPenney at Aventura. “If somebody else can sell it then I can, too.” It is obvious that they department managers only care about how much money their stores will makes. Even thought those electronics might seem cool at the store, but you most likely will not use them as much as you thought you were going to. You’ve just wasted your money

  2. Helam Ayano December 19, 2010 at 3:22 pm #;_ylt=AtmXFNWGGmGI2KdSBPvD58qs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTNvbWVxZnJmBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAxMjE5L3VzX2dheXNfaW5fbWlsaXRhcnlfcmVheARjY29kZQNtb3N0cG9wdWxhcgRjcG9zAzIEcG9zAzYEcHQDaG9tZV9jb2tlBHNlYwN5bl90b3Bfc3RvcnkEc2xrA2dheXNzZWVyZXBlYQ–

    In this article, it tells how the senate voted to end the 17 year ban on serving openly gay in the military. Finally. This is a huge sign of hope. My opinion is that gays and lesbians should be able to serve in the military with as much pride and dignity as the next straight individual. This is their country too, and sexual orientation should’t make a difference. This is a sign of hope because gays and lesbians have been looked down apon when it comes to being a part of our troops, and it’s about time ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ was repealed for good; it had no business even existing in the first place. All that policy has ever done was make homosexuals feel more excluded and isolated than ever, no one should have to hide their sexuality.
    “Repeal means that for the first time in U.S. history, gays will be openly accepted by the military and can acknowledge their sexual orientation without fear of being discharged.” the writer stated. ‘don’t ask don’t tell’ was to help gays and lesbians be in the military without being open about their sexuality, but if someone found out, they would be forced to give up being a U.S. soldier. Living in fear that someone might find out that they are gay is a punishment in itself. Now that the policy is repealed, justice is in the process of being restored along with hope for gays and lesbians.

  3. Brittany McLaughlin December 19, 2010 at 4:18 pm #

    This article is about stickers of animals being put on the tags of items made out of animals. “Kat Ranalletti started the Lucky Dog Thrift Shop in Nashua to raise money for an animal-welfare foundation”, and then created these stickers for shoppers to be offended by them. I think this article connects to fear because now since people know that they are buying something made from animals and that the stickers have sayings on it to make them feel bad for the animal now they are afraid to buy it because they don’t actually want anything to happen to the animals. My opinion about this article is that I think people are buying into the proganda because they are no longer buying coats made out of fur. People are buying into this because in the article it says,”PETA hasn’t given up on splashiness; the group just put out a racy video starring Pamela Anderson as a TSA agent who strips passengers of fur and leather clothes.” So now that Pamela Anderson is in the video people won’t buy fur coats because she doesn’t like it. Another reason why people are giving into the proganda to not buy fur coats is “the tags feature photos of mom-and-baby animals in various stages of cuteness, along with descriptions of their potential fates.”

    • Bridget Figueroa December 22, 2010 at 7:06 pm #

      I completely agree with you. When you said, “I think this article connects to fear because now since people know that they are buying something made from animals and that the stickers have sayings on it to make them feel bad for the animal now they are afraid to buy it because they don’t actually want anything to happen to the animals.” I immediately agreed that this is related to fear on so many levels. This idea of scaring people into not buying items made from an animal is unfair to society. I agree that wearing fur and other things is wrong, but I won’t stop wearing my Uggs just because there is a sticker of a sheep and her baby on them. Also, looking from the point of view of people that are against anything that has to do with harming an animal, it can be a sign of hope. In the article the author states, “Her cold call to the animal rights group has led to a series of tags that PETA hopes to spread to secondhand stores across the country.” . This shows that PETA wants people to be against wearing fur and other items, this is their hope for the future so that society stops harming animals. I think that using a celebrity, such as Pamela Anderson, is the wrong way to use propaganda towards someone. Just because these groups of people view something a certain way, doesn’t mean that every celebrity or person sees it their way. One celebrity does not equal the rest of the world.

  4. kelsey delosh December 19, 2010 at 5:54 pm #

    Websites :

    These articles are about Miley Cyrus smoking Salvia, a legal “natural herb” that gives the same feeling of being high. Miley was video-recorded in her house in California where its legal to obtain the drug. With this article, i feel a connection from hope and fear. I hope Miley will just get on with her life and become a good role model, but i have fear that she will become the next “linsey lohan”. She is going through a rough time, and i highly doubt that this will help her get over her parents divorce. My opinion of this article is that people should mine their own business. If Miley wants to smoke Salvia and then ruin her image, thats HER decision. She is a “Big girl” now and she can watch after herself. “And while this may be shocking to some, considering that Miley Cyrus is a pre-teen idol, is it really that big a deal? Whether Miley Cyrus’ bong contained salvia or not, the pop singer is 18 years old and has made it clear she is ready to bust out of the Disney mold.” This is why
    i do not understand why people are targeting celebrities about doing something that most people have done when they were young too. If you asked anyone off the streets and even in school, at least half of us have smoked once or more than that at one point. What are you going to do about that? Plaster our faces all over the internet? Like Michel Phelps, he was caught smoking an illegal drug, marijuana and look at him now. He is still sponsored and he learned from his mistakes. Everyone has to make mistakes to become who they are meant to be.

    • crys shaughnessy December 22, 2010 at 4:17 pm #

      I think after reading the two articles and youre responce i can see both sides of the story. In one of the articles the author mentions their opinion that miley is just in the wrong crowd but not really a bad kid. And you seemed to have a somewhat similar opinion. You stated that Miley is simpley being a kid and maybe just making a poor choice. I agree with both of these statements. I think a genuinley good kid can get caught up sometimes and make bad choices. But I do not agree with the excuse that all kids smoke. I know a lot of kids try things and what not b ut i dont thin kits fair to say that because someone is a kid that its necissarily ok to do bad things.

    • Virginia McCaughey December 22, 2010 at 9:31 pm #

      I agree, Miley is a “big girl” now and if she wants to smoke then let her smoke. The media seems to forget that celebrities are ‘real people’ and they do things that ‘real people’ do. This probably isn’t the first time Miley has done anything that would be considered ‘out of standard’ to all of those Midwestern suburban soccer mothers– the media/world must be stupid to think that she hasn’t. I agree with how you said that she’s young and everyone does this type of thing when they’re young. It’s just a phase that she’s going through and it’s a phase that we all go through. Miley wants to be done with her 14-year-old pink and green glittered clothing and feel like she has actually lived her life and experienced everything that her friends have.

  5. paul December 19, 2010 at 6:02 pm #;_ylt=AjRNdL5Nshc0s4OKktTMjj.s0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTNpM210azNpBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAxMjE5L2FzX2FmZ2hhbmlzdGFuBGNjb2RlA21vc3Rwb3B1bGFyBGNwb3MDNQRwb3MDMgRwdANob21lX2Nva2UEc2VjA3luX2hlYWRsaW5lX2xpc3QEc2xrA3RhbGliYW5zaG93cg–

    This artical is about the killing of Afghan troops by taliban forces. When we think of the taliban we think if the bad guys or the enemy. when the children of the middle east think of the US and their allies they too think of the enemy. Who is right…no one is right or wrong. the oint is all our life we have been told by the media and the government what to do. Peole always believe what they see on TV. I think its rediculouse. How would you feel if people started to invade America, it wouldnt feel too good. How would it feel knowing that the rest of the world is calling you the enemy. Not so good. one side is hoping they win and one side and one side is fearing because they might lose.

  6. paul December 19, 2010 at 6:04 pm #

    sorry about how long the link is

  7. Jasmine Leggett December 19, 2010 at 8:13 pm #

    This article is about the creator of Wikileaks, Julian Assange, and how few people think he should be prosecuted as a terrorist. Though he is from Ireland the author believes that it should be the U.S to handle his charges. They are trying to make you believe that he is the bad guy for leaking info that the government should have protected. Through they say themselves, “it’s not the contents of the leaked documents that matter, it’s the fact that the U.S. government can no longer keep its secrets.” They still believe it is Assange who should be punished. They even give step on what it is that the U.S government should do to him. One of them included him being executed. The real message behind this article would be how simple it is for U.S enemies to get information from the military, Pentagon, and the State Department if it only took one man from Ireland to do the same thing. People follow the masses because it takes less effort, by agreeing with them, there is no argument. It also is hard to argue with the government that’s supposed to be protecting you. People are buying into the media because they watch it on TV and do nothing more. We think that we are getting the whole story but there are two sides to each one. This article more so connects to fear on how our government is hiding things from us and other countries when we pride ourselves on our secrecy.

    • Austin Li December 22, 2010 at 3:56 pm #

      I agree, because I think that it is not Assange’s fault, it is the U.S. governments own fault for not being able to keep its own secrets, and he should not be executed for such reasons because it is not his fault in the first place. In the article, it says that “Mr. Assange and his fellow hackers are terrorists and should be prosecuted as such.” I mean how are they terrorists? They are not directly harming you, and it is your own fault for letting these people get your information in the first place. So, because you cannot keep your information to yourself, you have to go say that the people who now have your information should be the ones to blame? Ridiculous. I agree when Jasmine says that “they are trying to make you believe that he is the bad guy for leaking info that the government should have protected.” It’s your fault, why blame another person?

  8. Caio December 19, 2010 at 8:13 pm #

    Middle East – Spielberg banned!

    So now apparently, if I happen to be traveling in the most of the middle east, I can’t get my Spielberg on. It just happens that 14 countries in the middle east have banned Spielberg movies from playing in their countries. “Diplomats or representatives from 14 Arab states — Algeria, Iraq, Lebanon, Kuwait, Libya, Morocco, the Palestinian Authority, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Yemen — had agreed to ban all films and other products related to Spielberg or his Righteous Persons Foundation, according to the leaked cable posted in the Guardian. These countries are outraged at the fact that Spielberg made a donation to Israel of $1 million dollars during their war with Lebanon during their 2006 warfare. I don’t understand why these countries would make such a decision, are they afraid that Israel will use the money to attack them? Where in the Koran does it mention that a country in need of aid can’t be helped by a generous donor? In my opinion I think it’s crazy to not show his movies if he hasn’t literally done anything directly against you. I mean it’s the country’s rights if they don’t want to see the movies, and if they think he’s against the Arabs, why don’t they find out, I mean in a world where twitter exists, you have to wonder. And in countries where everyone believes and agrees with what their leaders say, the people will buy into this idea as soon as their told, because they don’t have freedom of rights as we do. This is probably the start of a new excuse to bomb Israel.

  9. Alissa Hohenberger December 19, 2010 at 10:08 pm #

    This current event is about parents who sued the california school district for not allowing elementry students and parents of students to opt out of pro-homosexuality presentations and sexually oriented discussions. Students in the california elemntry schools were forced to watch presentations referring to “cooting shots” the preformance was put on by theatre activist who strive to aware children of sexuality; gay, lesibian, transgender and bisexual. The play was used to aware the children that some people are different than others and its okay. it was stated to “promote tolerance and celebrate diversity”. others said this was also ment to “work with kids around the issue of bullying, name-calling, and harassing of all kinds.”
    And although this has good purpose to it, it was forced upon people and many peoples feels toward this were compromised. Parents of students didnt have a say, and those who signed forms opt-ing out of these presentations for their children we’re told by facilty members that their forms had been “lost”. Some parents went along with this but others spoke up because their right we’re not aknowlaged.This brought about the lawsuit of many california schools.
    In my opinion i feel that yes children should be aware that some children are different and theres nothing wrong with that but i believe it is up to the parents of the children not the school to make children aware of this. As well as i believe that parents should have a say in whether of not they want there children learning about sexuality at a very young age. i dont think i was fair of facilty of california schools to compromise parents say. But i think that people should be more open to having children be aware that people are different, and to see that it was ment as a saftey thing. To end bullying and name-calling. But i think it should have been handled differently but school facilities.

    • joshua sergenton December 23, 2010 at 7:02 am #

      “The parents say school employees forced the kids to attend the play ‘Cootie Shots,’ even though the parents had signed opt-out forms to prevent their children from being exposed to sexually-oriented discussions.””Some parents went along with this but others spoke up because their right we’re not aknowlaged.” I agree. It was for a good purpose, and other schools should consider doing something similar. the only problem is that if the parents didn’t want their kids to see it, their kids shouldn’t be forced. it might have been more effective with high school students, or at least middle school.

  10. Wei Qi Liao December 19, 2010 at 10:18 pm #
    A Republican senator refused to end Bush’s idea of tax breaks at the upper end of the income distribution, which has sometimes been called the Senator from Wall Street. This idea will make the elite one be more special than everyone else, in which class has been forbidden in U.S. politics. That is also the reason that causes the two parties moving further apart, but the main issue is that because the business has growing globalize, so many of the millionaires start to find their way of getting more money by going global. So if the senate house didn’t end the idea for tax cuts for millionaires that could probably keep more millionaires stay in the U.S. to do business, because the senate believes that these millionaires can help the U.S. economy, and they fear that is the U.S. lose them, the harder the economy it will be in the U.S. “By 2012, Americans won’t just be arguing about tax breaks for millionaires, they’ll be targeting the millionaires who spend six months a year in Paris or Hong Kong” (Freeland). By addressing the millionaires who are citizens of the U.S. and also staying out in other countries for six months the best way to keep them in the U.S. is to keep the idea of tax cuts of the upper at the end of the income distribution.

  11. JianYi Huang December 19, 2010 at 10:50 pm #
    This article is about banning flavored cigarettes. It takes place in Uruguay. It saids that flavored cigarettes are attracting new smokers. About 172 countries had agreed to stop the tobacco producers from producing flavored cigarettes for the sake of public health. And the tobacco industry responded millions of people will lose their jobs and the economy will be ruined.
    This is related to propaganda on how the tobacco companies use flavor to attract more people to smoke. They are offering more choices to smokers.
    I think it is good to ban flavored cigarettes for the sake of public health. But I don’t think it will help much. Because if you want to something chocolate or strawberry flavored, you won’t think of cigarettes. Will people really going to smoke because these flavors are added? Or will people stop smoking because there is no more flavor in cigarettes? It is the cigarettes that are harming people’s health, not the flavors. Therefore, what should be ban are the ciggarettes, not just flavor.

  12. Yeelay Tarkpor December 19, 2010 at 11:20 pm #

    This article is about how easily teenagers can get drugs and cigarettes. It takes place in Abu Dhabi, UAE. A few young boys show how easy it is to get drugs without showing IDs. ” I rarely buy a pack, most of the time I bum some off my friends” “But even then, they never really have a hard time getting their hands on a pack.” This is what 17 year old ER said about getting his hands on a pack of cigarettes. h called himself a casual smoker. smokng since he ws 14.
    They psse a law saying no one could be allowed to buy cigarttes unlss they were 18 or older. but somehow the kids still get their hands on it becuase little stores smetmes dont do their jobs. i consider this hop becuase now that we see we how kids get ciarttes we can stop it and preentkds dying early from diseases and cancers. but it also can be fea because what if its too late and we cant stop it? what if they will still find a way to get the cigarettes after we tried to stop it? ithink the real question is how can we stop it? we have to know that answer first.
    My oinion about this article is that its trying to tell people to look after what their kids are doing and be active in their lveso they dont become a “very casual smoker” especialy not at a very young age. Ithink we need to be ative too and help kids aroundthe world because its not ny the UAE where this is happeing, could be somewhere in your neighborhood. observe carefully.

  13. Jenna Le December 19, 2010 at 11:42 pm #

    In this article, it talks about a hospital in Zimbabwe where people are able to trade either the stuff they grow or the animals they raise for medical treatment, but most commonly sacks of peanuts. The idea that this article gives off is hope and fear in way. Like the fact that the hospital needs more bloods makes you feel sad because then the articles explain why they need more blood, yet at the same time the article also sells you the idea of hope by saying that even though that they need more resources and stuff; they’re actually doing okay. For instance when the article says, “When a boy emerged, Ms. McCarty cried, “Welcome to Zimbabwe!” But the newborn made no sound. She pounded his back and suctioned his nose until he let out a cry like a quavering baby bird.” (Dugger). The message the article is trying to say is that even though a lot of people in the United States is jobless; it does not mean that we’re completely useless to the point where we really can just bring out some spare change to give a little bit of what we have.
    Honestly, I can’t really describe how I feel about this article because it actually makes me feel sad and kinda happy at the same since they’re making the best of what they have. Like I am glad that the patients are trading animal products, crops, and peanut sacks because it shows that they are able to keep going. Although at the same the same time the article is a bit saddening because like many other poor countries it needs a lot of money to be stabilized. Basically the article connects to either hope and fear depending on which way you want to think about it.

  14. Santiago Sierra December 19, 2010 at 11:58 pm #

    This article is about how south korea is preparing their citizens for a war with North korea after a bombing in which four people died and 18 others were injured in a North Korean artillery barrage that targeted Yeonpyeong Island in South Korea’s part of the Yellow Sea. The main reason that south korean government might be trying to do this is in order to gain more help from other nations. If south Korea makes themselves seem as if they’re helpless and vulnerable other countries might start to help them. South Korea is probably not even worrying about the families that lost their loved ones in the bombings. The truth behind what really happened that day cant be truly known because theres always two sides to a story and in this story North Korea is being targeted as the bad guys but who knows if this is the truth we would need to be there and witness the bombings. The Citizens of these two countries are hoping that there is no war and that everything will remain calm. But the world is fearing that a war between these two nations will cause nuclear weapons to be used that can wipe out everyone.

  15. Xiaofeng Xie December 20, 2010 at 3:05 am #

    Current Event: Propaganda
    This article is about Bank of America joined several other financial institutions refusing to provide any other service to WikiLeaks.What is the the First Amendment of Constitution? The government should allow freedom of speech.At this time,Julian Assange is telling the truth to the world, showing us the secret of the government.However,our government pressure the financial institution to stop this organization by cutting of its supply.
    The government is trying to tell the people that these people are bad guys ,they are treason and they are supposed to be driven out from this country.I think the government is afraid of WikiLeaks,beacause it is showing the truth, the truth that goes against it.The government fears that its mask will be ripped off by this organization,it fears it will collapse.However,I think that Julian Assange is a true fighter of freedom, he risks his life for truth.”There is a threat to my life. There is a threat to my staff. There are significant risks facing us.” This shows that he knows the consequences but he still insistents in fighting for truth.As result,some of people realize the significance of his works,they start to fight against the government by hacking the financial institution, because we need the truth,the world need the truth.

  16. Manouska Almonord December 20, 2010 at 7:10 am #
    This article is about how an asian man got offended because of an ad he said was racist toward the the Chinese and their government. The person writing the article says that he shouldn’t be offended because it really didn’t have much to do with the asian government. The ad was just basically stating that China would ecome the top country because of their enormous debts. It represents fear because it is the future of
    America and it could become a “Fallen Nation.” I agree with the article, because it wasn’t an attack against asians, it was more of a visual of what was to come for America

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